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MasterPeace - A Meditation & Yoga Retreat Center Design Challenge
India Architecture News - May 26, 2021 - 14:24 8513 views
The challenge is to design a meditation & yoga center catering its services to max. 500-1000 people. The center should have open & enclosed areas for meditation & yoga. The aim of the competition is to promote such retreat centers which have now become the need of the hour in today’s world.
What comes to your mind first when you hear the words “Meditation & Yoga”? Most of us would immediately have these two words in our mind right now - Inner Peace & Physical Fitness. But the question is why are we still using 5,000 year old practice in 21st century to achieve Peace & Health ?
The answer to this is – Because it still works. Although, we have hi-tech medical facilities & medications but somehow they fail to deliver the results when it comes to mental peace. The practice of Meditation & Yoga combined have provided best results in scientific studies also.
Yoga & Meditation in India were first practiced only by religious monks. Today millions of people worldwide roll out their mats daily to practice and is now a worldwide phenomenon. Dedicated centers & studios for practicing yoga & meditation have added to the popularity of both the art. Yoga back then was all about steadiness & stillness and not the dynamic kind of movements found in yoga classes today.
The retreat center should have following areas:
1) Admin Area ( Waiting & Reception, Two Offices , staff area for 5-10 people , a pantry & common toilet )
2) A Dedicated Yoga Facility ( for 500 people )
3) A Dedicated Meditation Facility ( for 500 people )
4) A Library & Two workshops ( Painting and Pottery )
5) A Kitchen & Dining Hall ( For 250 people at a time )
6) Staff Parking is only to be considered. Visitor’s elsewhere.
7) It is to be assumed that the center will have a temple hence you are not supposed to design. If you wish you can design the temple.
- Change Rooms, Lockers, Amphitheatre, Gardens, Community Farms, Water Body & other landscape areas are also to be taken in to account while designing the proposal. For meditation & yoga hall both you can design multiple units of different capacity as per your concept but it should not exceed the max capacity of 500 people for each. For example you can design two units of yoga hall each having capacity of max 250 people.
Registration Dates & Fees
Early Bird Registrations – 11th May TO 11th June – 2021
Indian Nationals (Students) – INR 1200 Per Team
Indian Nationals (Professionals) – INR 1550 Per Team
Foreign Nationals (Students) – USD 25 Per Team
Foreign Nationals (Professionals) – USD 35 Per Team
Standard Registrations – 12th June TO 12TH July – 2021
Indian Nationals (Students) – INR 1500 Per Team
Indian Nationals (Professionals) – INR 1850 Per Team
Foreign Nationals (Students) – USD 35 Per Team
Foreign Nationals (Professionals) – USD 45 Per Team
Late Registrations – 13TH July TO 23RD July – 2021
Indian Nationals (Students) – INR 1800 Per Team
Indian Nationals (Professionals) – INR 2150 Per Team
Foreign Nationals (Students) – USD 45 Per Team
Foreign Nationals (Professionals) – USD 60 Per Team
Submission Dates
06TH , 07TH & 08TH August – 2021
Winner Announcement
08TH September - 2021
Prize Money
TOTAL PRIZE MONEY : INR 1,50,000 + 15 Honourable Mentions
1st Prize – INR 75,000 + Certificate + Publication
2nd Prize – INR 40,000 + Certificate + Publication
3rd Prize – INR 20,000 + Certificate + Publication
– BEST STUDENT DESIGN ENTRY: INR 5,000 + Certificate + Publication
– BEST ARCHITECT DESIGN ENTRY: INR 5,000 + Certificate + Publication
– BEST DESIGN PRESENTATION AWARD: INR 5,000 + Certificate + Publication
Read more about the competition on Archmello's website.
> via Archmello