Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
IV World Planning Schools Congress 2016 in Rio de Janeiro / July 3rd -July 8th
Brazil Architecture News - Jan 12, 2016 - 16:18 6859 views
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The initiative to organize World Planning School Congresses came up with the formation of a global network by national and regional associations of planning schools and institutes around the world in 2001. Since then this network, the Global Planning Education Network - GPEAN assigns the organization of each World Congress to one or more schools of one of its members. In five and five years, this event aims to bring together scholars and professionals from all continents to present experiences, discuss proposals and critical analysis and encourage a debate on the current planning problems in different parts of the world.
In 2016, the IV WPSC will be held in Rio de Janeiro. As responsible for this edition of WPSC, the GPEAN designated the Institute of Urban and Regional Research and Planning - IPPUR – at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ -, a member of the Brazilian Association of Research and Graduate Studies in Urban and Regional Planning – ANPUR with the collaboration of colleagues of the Graduate Programs in Geography of the Federal Universities Fluminense and Minas Gerais (UFF and UFMG), of the UFRJ Graduate Program in Urbanism and of the UFMG Centre of Regional Development and Planning (CEDEPLAR).
A GPEAN Steering Committee composed of three members from three different continents accompanies, guides and supports the work of the Local Organization Commission.
Key Dates
Call for extended abstracts until October 2015
Final date for submission: October, 26th, 2015 (10/26/2015)
Evaluation by the co-chairs: October – November 2015
Communication of Acceptance: mid-December
Start of Registration: December 2015
Early bird: January 2016
Evaluation of complete papers for those who need it for funding their participation: referral of papers until March, 4th, 2016
Please see the Congress' program
Please see Phd Workshop information
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