Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
Introducing new Professional Memberships, a Directory for Designers, Service Providers, Constructors
Turkey Architecture News - Oct 03, 2023 - 09:39 2957 views
The World Architecture Community (WAC) has introduced a set of new Professional Memberships, covering several areas from design, photography, service providers, visualization specialists, and public relations to constructors.
WAC's new section, Professionals, comes in addition to our existing WAC Professional Membership, which previously only included Architects and Interior Designers.
Our new service will be a large Directory where many local and international professionals can showcase their offices, products and services across a range of mediums, including photography, 3D rendering and visualization, product design, landscape, design and drawing program tools & software, technology, PR and construction.
While our existing Architecture and Interior Design Professionals don't have to do anything, new members can sign up here to start their membership.
The new section will ensure the offices, services and products of Professionals from different industries stand out from the online turmoil and are seen directly by the world's widest and most relevant architectural community.
The new Professional Memberships section is divided into four sub-titles: Architecture Professional, Design Professional, Services & Tools Professional and Construction Professional.
All Professionals - main page
Below are more details about our new Professional Memberships:
WAC Design Professional Membership
WAC Design Professional Membership is open to Landscape Designers, Product Designers, Architecture Photographers, 3D Rendering and Visualization specialists.
This section differs from other types of sites in that projects and products are uploaded directly by the designer, presented with pages with enhanced features and in the same format as the architects and interior designers.
Get direct exposure on WAC's homepage
After purchasing a one-year subscription, WAC Design Professionals will create an office page, showcase their latest products or projects, add a logo, website link, header image, office description, social media links, and publish job Ads. Their office page will be easily accessible from the Professional section. WAC Design Professionals will also be highlighted on WAC's homepage under the Design Professionals section. This section will provide direct access to a Designer's Office page and projects.
Digital PR for Designers
At the heart of Professionals, it is a project-based publication that will appear in the same format as architects and interior designers. Design Professionals' projects (up to 5) will be showcased on the Projects page alongside architecture and interior design projects, while all their projects will be listed on the Projects page - Design section.
Additional features include sharing your projects on social media, being favourited your projects by other members, and adding a Job Post. Your Job Post will be displayed on your individual Office Page and featured on the Professionals' main page, meaning that your Job Post will get more exposure on the Professionals' front page.
Read on for more benefits for Design Professionals.
Subscribe as a Design Professional here.
WAC Services & Tools Professional Membership
WAC Services & Tools Professional Membership is open to Architectural Tool and Service Providers, Architectural Design & Drawing Programs Providers, PR & Marketing Agencies, Manufacturers.
Similar to Designer Professionals, this section differs from other sites in that products and services are uploaded directly by the Service Provider, presented with enhanced features, and presented in the same format as architects and interior designers.
Service and Tool Providers get direct exposure on WAC's homepage
Like Design Professionals, Services & Tools Professionals will create an office page, upload their latest services, tools, software, materials, add a logo, website link, header image, office description, social media links, and publish job Ads.
Moreover, their office page will be easily accessible from the Professional section. Services & Tools Professionals will also be highlighted on WAC's homepage under the Services & Tools Professionals section. This section will provide direct access to a Service Provider's Office page and products.
Digital PR for Services & Tools Professionals
A project-based publication, which will be published in exactly the same format as architects and interior designers, will also be valid for Services & Tools Professionals. Services & Tools Professionals' projects (up to 2) will be showcased on the Projects page alongside architecture and interior design projects.
Services & Tools Professionals will have similar additional features as Design Professionals listed above.
Read on for more benefits for Services & Tools Professionals.
Subscribe as a Service & Tool Professional here.
Professional Member - Hérault Arnod Architectures' Office Page detail
WAC Construction Professional Membership
WAC Construction Professional Membership will welcome Construction Engineer, Consultant & Project Manager, Contractor, Real Estate Developer or Constructor. WAC's Construction Professional Members will have free access to most of the services mentioned above on the WAC platform.
Read on for more benefits for Construction Professionals.
Subscribe as a Construction Professional here.
Promote your products, offices, services to WAC's monthly audience of over 100,000 visitors
Through WAC's amazing SEO efforts, all our Professional Members will have a large set of SEO advantages, meaning that your office and profile pages will highly benefit from a Referral Traffic, Backlinks, and Citations.
This means that when you are listed in the WAC's Directory, some of the traffic will turn into visits to your profile and website, and you will be more visible through the links provided on your office and profile pages. In addition, when you share your business details on your office page, your office and products will be found more easily by search engines from the WAC's Directory.
Getting listed in the WAC Directory can help you win professional architects as clients
WAC's Professionals section will feature an Advanced Search-based index, allowing visitors to easily find services and products by type, category and sub-category.
WAC's Professional Memberships are offered annually and the same annual price applies to Architecture, Design and Services & Tools Professionals. There will be no automatic renewal when the membership expires.
The WAC is a truly global platform where 85 per cent of its visitors and followers are from architecture professionals. With over 100,000 monthly visits and more than 1,000,000 followers on social media, the WAC is a unique environment for architects, interior designers, architecture & interior design students, academics and industry professionals around the globe to meet and share.
Start your subscription to become a Professional Member.
For further inquiries or subscriptions, reach us at [email protected].
Top image in the poster: IDMM Architects' Fort & Port project in South Korea. Image © Jaeyoun Kim.
constructor designers Professionals service providers World Architecture Community