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Open call for the 4th Lilly Reich Grant for Equality in Architecture
Spain Architecture News - Jun 26, 2024 - 13:04 1730 views
In the conception and development of its activities, the Fundació Mies van der Rohe aims to generate research and debate about modern and contemporary architecture in a manner that is open to paradigm changes, and particularly in relation to concepts which are fundamental today such as identity, social inclusion and all elements of sustainability.
In recognition of the architectural legacy of Lilly Reich, the artistic partner of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in the conception and execution of the German Pavilion of Barcelona in 1929, relegated to a second place, if not non-existent, in the story and memory of this masterpiece in the history of architecture, the Fundació Mies van der Rohe established the Lilly Reich Grant for equality in architecture in 2018, and it aims to support the study, dissemination and visibility of contributions to architecture that have been unduly relegated or forgotten, made by professionals who have received discriminatory treatment. It will also seek to promote equal access to the practice of architecture worldwide.
After two first editions focused exclusively on the study of Lilly Reich's work, since 2022 and in the current edition, the grant is open to any proposal aimed at the study, dissemination and visibility of contributions to architecture that have been unduly relegated and forgotten, made by professionals who have received discriminatory treatment, or that seeks to promote access with equal opportunities in the practice of architecture worldwide.
The Lilly Reich Grant for equality in architecture aims to support the study, dissemination and increasing the visibility of the contributions in the field of architecture which have been unduly relegated or forgotten due to discriminatory reasons. The grant also seeks to promote access in the equality of opportunities in architectural practice.
The Lilly Reich Grant for equality in architecture has an endowment of 9,000 euros. Payment shall be made in three instalments of 3,000 euros each. The first payment shall be made at the time of the start of the investigation; the second will be made three months later, after the presentation of a report about the status of the research which must be approved by the Jury of the Lilly Reich Grant for equality in architecture; and the last payment shall be made after the presentation of the definitive version of the study and the corresponding approval by the Jury. Any applicable taxes will be deducted from this endowment.
Physical persons who are researchers who, individually or in a group, present a study proposal in accordance with these bases, are eligible for the Lilly Reich Grant for Equality in Architecture.
The applications must be submitted by email at [email protected], attaching the following documentation:
1. CV of the applicants, which cannot exceed two A4 pages per person.
2. Activity or study project which, at a minimum of two and a maximum of four A4 pages, must specify the:
a) Objectives of the activity or study.
b) Preliminary summary of the project.
c) Methodology.
d) Timeline.
e) Principal sources and bibliography of reference.
3. Contact data of the applicants (post address, telephone and email). In the case of group projects, the data of all the persons forming the group must be provided and the group must indicate the name of the person responsible for the study who will represent the team to comply with the obligations which, as a beneficiary, correspond to the group.
If the documentation presented is incorrect or incomplete, the Jury of the Lilly Reich Grant for equality in architecture shall request that the documentation be corrected or completed in a term of five working days. In the case that the deficiencies are not corrected in the period indicated, it shall be understood that the person or group renounces the Lilly Reich Grant for Equality in Architecture.
Deadline for submitting the projects
The aspirants can submit their projects from 16 June until 2 September 2024 (14:00 CET).
The Jury will be formed by three individuals linked to the field of architectural research and dissemination and the research and dissemination in matters of equality.
The Jury may request complementary information for aspirants and call them to suggest expanding or modifying the project to make it more operational. The Jury reserves the right to declare the Lily Reich grant for Equality in Architecture null and void and is empowered to resolve any eventuality not expressly regulated in these rules.
The Jury’s resolution, which cannot be appealed, will be made public on 7 October 2024, World Architecture Day, through the website of the Fundació Mies van der Rohe (
Read more about details, rules of the competition from here.
Top image: Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin, Fotox:Pius Pahl © Peter Jan Pahl.