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WA Awards 42nd Cycle is open for entries until 24 October 2022
United Kingdom Architecture News - Sep 26, 2022 - 07:40 2906 views
WA Awards 10+5+X 42nd Cycle is now accepting entries! You can submit your entries before 24 October, 2022 to be crowned by the prestigious and acclaimed WA Awards.
Having a great success over its 40 Cycles so far, WA Awards 10+5+X 42nd Cycle is looking for it new winning projects from all over the world. WA Awards 10+5+X is open to architects, interior designers and students across the world until 24 October, 2022 (23:59 GMT +0).
If you are a WAC member, sign into your account here. If you're not a WAC member, create an account and submit your entry.
The WA Awards is one of the most powerful online architecture awards setting a new recognition system based on its more democratized process.
The prestigious and acclaimed WA Awards 10+5+X organized 3-4 cycles per year, in each Cycle the WA Awards is seeking for remarkable projects that have the potential to inspire exciting questions about contemporary architectural discourse.
Over 1,953 projects were crowned with the WA Awards so far
The WA Awards crowned over 1,953 projects in Architecture, Interior Design and Student categories so far. The key aspect of the competition is to provide opportunity for participants from all over the world, and particularly coming from less covered regions by the public or private media to showcase their offices and projects.
The most important feature that distinguishes the WA Awards from other awards is that it chooses more than one winner in each category, rather than selecting single winner.
WA Awards 10+5+X has a standard deadline
Another key feature of the WA Awards is to follow a standard deadline. From the moment the previous Cycle closed, participants have roughly 3 months to prepare their projects and can follow the new deadline on our How To Participate page.
Architects, interior designers, architecture and interior design students can submit their projects until 24 October, 2022 (23:59 GMT +0) by registering to WAC from the page below. It's free!
If you're not a WAC member yet, create an account and submit your entry.
WA Awards 41st Cycle Winner Posters are prepared in high resolution for printable for its all winners
Participants should create an account from here by selecting Architect, Interior Designer or Student (Academic) with correct representative of their status.
They should upload their projects to their WAC Pages and submit their works whenever they want before the deadline. After upload, participants can review their projects and have more time to make corrections if necessary.
Who are eligible members at WA Awards 10+5+X?
Only Architects, Architecture Offices, Interior Designers, Interior Design Offices, Architecture and Interior Design Students are eligible to apply to WA Awards 10+5+X.
WA Awards 10+5+X has limited categories
WA Awards 10+5+X is accepting projects in limited categories where the competition has 2 main sections in the WA Awards: Architecture and Interior Design.
Then participants can submit their works under the 3 sub-categories: Realised, Designed and Student. Participants should make sure to submit their projects that meet the conditions of each category. You can see category details on this page.
Schedule of WA Awards 10+5+X
The WA Awards 10+5+X is typically organized as 3-4 cycles per year, in which each cycle covers roughly 3 months or 3.5 months. Until the deadline, participants can submit their projects. The deadline for submissions for the 42nd Cycle is 24 October, 2022.
The Voting period for the 42nd Cycle is scheduled to open approximately on 31 October, 2022. Winners of the 42nd Cycle are scheduled to be announced around end of November.
Please consult our How to Participate page to learn about the current cycle’s submission deadline.
The WA Awards Jury is composed of an exclusive group of invited architects, acclaimed critics and WA Members
WA Awards entries are judged by two separate jury panel: WAC Honorary Members with earlier WA Award Winners. These two jury groups have the most weight in Voting. They determine the first 10 winning projects.
Nikos Fintikakis, co-founder of SYNTHESIS AND RESEARCH, acclaimed Indonesian architect Budi Sukada, who is senior lecturer at the University of Tarumanagara, artist and teacher Ruth Jacobson, Alhadeff Architects founder Giancarlo Alhadeff, Sanjay Puri, the founder of Sanjay Puri Architects, are among the WAC's Honorary Members.
The second jury comprises WAC Members who are architects, interior designers, students and academics. They determine the next 5 winning projects. To be able able to Vote the projects, a WAC member must have at least 1 uploaded project that was uploaded minimum 1 month ago in his/her page.
World Architecture Community announces the Voting period on WAC website, emails and social media. Both judging procedures, WAC Members' Voting and WAC's Honorary Members and earlier WA Award Winners Voting, are taking place simultaneously on WA Awards 10+5+X Submissions page.
Read more about selection process at WA Awards.
A collage of WA Awards award-winning posters so far
WA Awards 10+5+X offers low pricing policy
Another important feature of WA Awards is that it has very low entry prices.
We aim to balance for the project participation to a great extent, considering limited categories in the competition.
That's why we aim to make the WA Awards more accessible to middle-scale and small-scale architectural offices, to provide more visibility and their increase participation by rewarding their work as well as large-scale offices. For this reason why we've kept submission entry fees at the same rate for 6 years.
When you pay per category/per Cycle in the competition, you do not need pay any additional fees.
Find out more about WA Awards 10+5+X fees.
WA Awards Winners get a special WA Award Winner Poster and a digital WA Award Certificate
WA Awards Winners will receive a digital, special WA Award Winner Poster and a digital WA Award Certificate. They will be made available to the participants in a few weeks after the winners announcement.
See Winner Posters of the 41st Cycle here, the posters are also shared on WAC's social media channels as well.
Any questions?
To start your entry and see a visual guidance, visit our How To Participate page. If you have further questions about WA Awards 10+5+X, you can contact the WAC team at [email protected].
Top image in the poster: Can Zhang's Chengdu Tianfu Art Museum And Chengdu Contemporary Art Museum in China won the WA Awards in the 41st Cycle in the Interior Design/Realised category. Image © Ting Wang.