Submitted by Tanya Khanna

Recapitulation: Understanding Landscape Practices

India Architecture News - Aug 06, 2018 - 11:56   14403 views

Recapitulation: Understanding Landscape Practices

Recapitulation - Architecture and Society Series. 36th Edition: Understanding Landscape Practices

"While science gives us order in thoughts, art gives us order in the human apprehension of the visible and the tangible – and, oftentimes, the intangible."

Landscape Architecture, is a design discipline that explores the relationship of nature and culture in the realm of nature conservation and space design. In the 36th edition of "Architecture and Society" talk series, Geeta Wahi Dua and Brijender S. Dua, both architects and landscape architects based in Delhi, explored the guiding principles that have given a sense of identity, belonging, and direction to their professional journey of publishing and editing a landscape Journal and managing a non-profit research foundation.

"The scientific character of the subject of landscape architecture allows testable explorations and predictions about the evolution of natural processes and ecosystems, their inter-relationships and intra-relationships with the environment and the seasons, and the impact of possible man-made interventions."

The presentation showcased the understanding of the meaning and expanse of the practice of landscape architecture in context of India through their works with Landscape Architecture Practice - Studio Earth, Journal of Landscape Architecture, and Landscape Foundation India, a private nonprofit trust engaged in research and dissemination of the knowledge about the field.

"On the other hand, art offer a diverse way of looking at nature and its processes. Various manifestations and meanings find a place in man’s creative endeavours, which explore intangible and experiential ways of interacting with nature," said Geeta Wahi Dua, Landscape Architect and co-founding editor of the Journal of Landscape Architecture, elucidating the role of science and art in shaping landscape practices in the country at the 36th Edition of 'Architecture and Society' talk.

The talk was held at Amaltas Auditorium, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi; on 16th July 2018.

Chair: M.N. Ashish Ganju, collab. GREHA
Communications Partner: Epistle Communications

Recapitulation: Understanding Landscape Practices

Image courtesy of GREHA

About "Architecture and Society" Talk Series

"Architecture and Society" talk series is a monthly forum organised by GREHA in collaboration with Epistle Communications - at the India Habitat Centre. Each month, the forum invites architects, urban practitioners, academicians and research scholars from the entire country to talk about their work. The intent of the forum is to gather students, practitioners and the public of Delhi in one space where discussions on the future of built environment in India can take place.


Since its inception in 1974, GREHA has concentrated on the growth of knowledge in the field of environmental development, habitat design and architecture. The thrust of GREHA's efforts have been towards addressing issues of the majority of the population; the focus was the marginalised people in rural and urban settlements; the vehicle was developing knowledge and methodologies concerning settlement systems more suited to our history and cultural context.

The founder members, during the early stages of their professional careers, would meet periodically to engage with majority concerns, away from the routine of the practice.

These concerns led them towards working with the poor and marginalised people in Indian society and eventually to the establishment of a school of habitat studies.

GREHA registered in 1986 as a non-government, not for profit society, with the aim of generating a body of ideas, involving diverse professional talent and promoting expert contribution in development projects undertaken by public agencies.

About Epistle Communications

Epistle is a  communication consultancy providing bespoke, strategic consulting services for architecture, design, planning and allied disciplines.

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