Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein

WAC Announces its Country Reporters

Turkey Architecture News - Apr 15, 2018 - 06:18   22074 views

WAC Announces its Country Reporters

Since its launch in December 2016, World Architecture Community's WAC Country Editors/Reporters Program, is attracting a fair deal of attention from around the Globe. To our knowledge, it is a unique voluntary Community Journalism initiative and one-of-a-kind intellectual act with such a large geographical scale. In our appeal to volunteers when promoting the program, our mantra has always been "be the voice of your country on WAC, while being the face of WAC in your country" and our reporters are now delivering on that promise. With this program, WAC also aims to reach remote regions, which are not covered by the mainstream media in general, and to get the correct knowledge and an accurate picture from the locals.

The program acts not only as an amplifier for an emergent architecture journalist or reporter from various places in the World, but also puts local hunters' or writing-lovers' passion into reality through World Architecture Community's news platform.

Now, after a little over a year into the program, we are proud and delighted to present our first 19 Country Reporters contributing to architecture and design from their local countries to boost our goal to form a community, as a collective effort. They are spread over 15 different countries, from countries generally less covered by main media like: 

However, we see this as only the beginning as the WAC Country Editors/Reporters Program is an ongoing initiative and want to hear more voices from different parts of the World.

So now we are asking: Where is Russia? Where are Argentina, Brasil or Peru? Where are Azerbaijan or Kazakhstan? Where are Finland, Norway or Sweden? Where are Egypt, Senegal or Nigeria? Others? The community wants to hear your news...

Having said that, as we make this announcement, we can proudly say that new applications from other countries are in the pipeline and are being processed for enrollment. We also accept more than one reporter by country.

The initiative operates like a training program in Community Journalism as well as Digital Journalism, as it gives our team of volunteers an opportunity to learn more about turning local stories, innovations, techniques, knowledge or issues into global news, through establishing their own ways of communicating with local institutions, organizations and architectural offices, while collecting materials, selecting projects, new presentation techniques, and so much more.

As the program has relatively relax deadlines on Reporters', and allows for free-style writing principles, it provides WAC Reporters with the ability to discover their own skills and areas of expertise, as well as interests, allowing them to write about on what they want most. It is relatively easy to observe that each one of the WAC Reporters is following a different path and focuses on different segments of architecture and design: some of them like to write on new digital 3D Printing technologies, parametric architecture or street-friendly architecture, while some of them like to write a critical review on contemporary architecture by making historical analysis. This obviously provides a quite diverse outcome in terms of the articles published.

In the coming days and weeks, we will announce our reporters individually, telling you more about them and their reasons for joining this program.

In the meantime, if you also want to be part of our volunteer reporters and become "the voice of your country on WAC while being the face of WAC in your country", please send your motivation message and your CV to [email protected]