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How to survive Architectural School Juries

United States Architecture News - Jan 07, 2016 - 16:02   4002 views

How to survive Architectural School Juries

University of Maryland School of ArchitectureJuries. image via Life of an Architect

Every good project has a concept. Every. Single. One. If you  look at your project and can’t recognize it, you need to keep working until you’ve developed one. This is the big idea that you will build your entire project around; it will guide all your ideas and will help you prioritize your work. When I sit on juries and I look at the work pinned up on the wall, it is easy to see if the student even realizes whether or not they have a big idea. All the information you choose to present should support the big idea. If you are limited on time, preparing drawings and models (whatever) that you develop that communicate your concept are the most important thing. I won’t lie and tell you that quality always trumps quantity, but believe me when I tell you that I’m not looking at the furniture placement in your student apartments when your big idea is a “Light Tower”. Focus on the big idea and treat everything else for what they are – supporting characters.....Continue Reading

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