Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
Call For Papers:Collecting & Display, MEWO Kunsthalle, Memmingen, 10 – 12 October 2014
Turkey Architecture News - Jun 01, 2014 - 20:47 5135 views
Dates: 10-12 October 2014
Venue: MEWO Kunsthalle, Memmingen
Deadline: June 16, 2014
Research in the history of collecting has often focused on the development and the uses of historical collections of art and artefacts, their composition and the choreography of display. Over the past decade, the international forum Collecting & Display has been investigating diverse aspects of Collecting History: female collectors, dynastic ambition, the role of nature, or the location of display rooms within the context of princely residences.
To celebrate the first decade of our existence as well as the launch of a dedicated series of publications – “Collecting Histories” under the editorship of founding member Andrea Gáldy, PhD, FHistS – we propose a conference dedicated to new directions in the areas of collecting, display, visitor experience and the use of modern media in today’s museums that might or might not dispel with the need to engage with actual objects, and whether and how the engagement with the
history of collections has influenced and modified contemporary museology.
Target audience and visitor experience
Museum outreach and education
Technical innovation
Knowledge and collections
State of the art museum display in a period/listed building
Coping with diminishing funding
Who cares about cultural heritage and whose is it anyway?
Please send proposals of c. 250 words to Dr Andrea Gáldy at [email protected] and Dr Axel Lapp [email protected] by 16 June 2014.
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