Submitted by Pappal Suneja

"Revered Reminiscences": Book Review By Prof. J. Subramanian

India Architecture News - Mar 25, 2021 - 06:35   4887 views

The new book "Revered Reminiscences" by an Architect is launched recently. Published by White Falcon Publishing, Chandigarh - the book is authored by architect & journalist Pappal Suneja, Design Researcher & Architect currently based in Germany. According to the author, “Communicating Architecture is very much reflective. One can understand the mistakes and hence learn not to repeat them in the future; and one can also grasp the advantages and the positives so that they can be replicated ahead, keeping in mind the conceptual and contextual details.” This book primarily covers best publications of the author related to diverse disciplines of Architectural Writings primarily inclusive of Creative writing, Book reviews, Germany Architecture News, Dialogue Section, Design project features, web portal articles & remembering veteran architects, etc.

Veteran Indian architect Jayaraman Subramanian has reviewed this book as follows:

During the long History of this planet Man at any point of time has always been Rewinding his past objectively searching for worthy precedents for emulation and not so worthy ones for either correction or avoidance. Documentations of these rewinding - particularly the worthy ones - contribute immensely, if not act as a stimulant -to the further evolution and growth of any civilization at large or any profession or trade in particular.

In that light the “Revered Reminiscences” of Architect Pappal Suneja has turned out to be a very authentic and useful document capturing various events, facts and commentaries relating to Architectural profession of the Modern era. The compilation has been very selective and the choice of topics and their contents have been judiciously mixed not only to make an interesting reading but also in a larger context to expose the multi-dimensional aspect of the Architectural profession itself. A compilation of this kind will certainly enthuse any discerning reader to seek for more information and knowledge.

The author’s references to the various architectural approaches ranging from “Blending luxury with cost effectiveness” adopted by Laurie Baker to the “imaginative, rebellious and worthy minds” of the creators of the Golden temple are very pertinent.

The writing on the ‘Design Methodology’ is very useful for the budding architects. The Rome undergraduate programme, Bauhaus Open Studio, and the outcomes thereof are very informative and will motivate any bright and ambitious Architectural student. The “Historian” in the author is flourishingly revealed in the chapter relating to Germany Architecture News. The description of the Berlin Museum, Werkbund programs and their relevance to contemporary commodity culture, the steel house, The Bauhaus museum itself- all make a fascinating reading.

The interviews with both Ar. Jaisim and Keshav are very candid. The chapter on Book presentation and reviews are very useful. It is quite thoughtful of the author to have included students’ works in this compilation in over one context. Reference and brief on the book “Design for the real world” by Victor Joseph Papanek is really an eye opener to all those who get swept away by the mass commercialization. References to and comparisons between movements propagated by BMC, Santiniketan and Bauhaus make an interesting reading.

One thing is certain, the author Pappal Suneja has proved the famous quip by George Bernard Shaw “We learn from History that We do not learn from History” wrong!

You can buy the book directly from AJC+ at an Introductory Offer. It shall be available at Amazon India soon.

All Images © Pappal Suneja

> via Input from Prof. Jayaraman Subramanian