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WA Awards 38th Cycle is open for entries until 15 July

United Kingdom Architecture News - Jun 12, 2021 - 10:31   5706 views

WA Awards 38th Cycle is open for entries until 15 July

WA Awards 10+5+X 38th Cycle is now open for entries! The prestigious and acclaimed WA Awards is accepting projects from architects, interior designers and students from all over the world! 

The WA Awards highlights and recognizes remarkable projects that have the potential to inspire exciting questions about contemporary architectural discourse and is distinguished from other international web-based awards by the selection of multiple award winners.

Submitted projects from all over the world are judged by a panel of star jury, including world-renowned architects, high-profiled academics, top design leaders, as well as WA Awards' previous winners and WA members.

WA Awards 10+5+X has a standard deadline to accept entries from across the world. All architects, interior designers, architecture and interior design students can submit their entries until Thursday, July 15, 2021 (23:59 GMT) by registering to WAC from this page. It's free!

If you're already a member of WAC, log in to your account to start your entry

The WA Awards participants need to upload their works to their WAC pages first and they can send their entries whenever they want before deadline. 

Since 2006 and for over 30 Cycles, World Architecture Community organises the prestigious and acclaimed WA Awards 10+5+X. The goal of the WA Community Awards is to highlight and recognise remarkable projects that might otherwise remain unnoticed by the international public, yet have the potential to inspire exciting questions about contemporary architectural discourse.

Hurry up! Enter WA Awards 10+5+X 38th Cycle now!

WA Awards is accepting projects for architects, interior designers and students under 2 major sections: Architecture and Interior Design. Then projects must be sent under these 3 sub-categories Realised, Designed and Student. All participants should send their projects that meet these conditions: 

For Architecture:

  • WA Designed Award: Projects that were not built,
  • WA Realised Award: Projects that are actually built (maximum within the last 10 years),
  • WA Student Award: Projects designed by Students/Academics (projects must have been studied in students' undergraduate years or in Master's Degree), only "Designed/Conceptual" projects valid - Student category projects must be presented with Supervisor or Tutor/Instructor's name and surname in the "Project Team" section during the upload. Student category projects which don't comply with these criteria will be removed from the competition, 

For Interior Design:

  • WA Realised Award: Projects that are actually built (maximum within the last 10 years),
  • WA Student Award: Projects designed by Students/Academics (projects must have been studied in students' undergraduate years or in Master's Degree), only "Designed/Conceptual" projects valid - Student category projects must be presented with Supervisor or Tutor/Instructor's name and surname in the "Project Team" section during the upload. Student category projects which don't comply with these criteria will be removed from the competition, 

WA Awards is free for Students/Academic Members. Students should create an account on WAC as a Student and they should validate their accounts as Academic Member on their WAC Settings. After validation, they can send their entries to the WA Student Award category, with a single project by cycle, free-of-charge.

Students can follow these steps to validate their accounts as Academic Member and send their projects in easiest way. 

WA Awards 38th Cycle is open for entries until 15 July

WA Awards 37th Cycle winner posters

Evaluation Criteria

WA Awards' evaluation criteria is based on Novelty, Originality and Creativity in design that reflect and inspire a commitment to the art of architecture are the major criteria. World Architecture Community tries to bridge the gap between theory and practice; thus the architect’s explanations and member’s discussions on submissions will be critical for recognition as much as the design itself.

About Timetable & Calendar of WA Awards

The timetable for our 3-4 cycles per year is identical between cycles. The first three months as of the announcement of the new cycle, in this period, participants are welcome to upload and submit their projects for WA Awards consideration. 

WA Awards sets a very low pricing policy

Participants will see the payment stage after they uploaded their entries and clicked on "Participate Now" button on their My Projects page. WA Awards sets a very low pricing policy to provide more visibility to small-scale offices, increase participation and engagement for their works. 

WA Awards Participation Fee for Associate Members (per Cycle and per Project):

Designed category: $100

Realised category: $200

Students: free

Find out more about WA Awards 10+5+X fees

About WA Awards Jury

WA Awards' jury is composed by a mixture of our Honorary Members and earlier WA Award Winners, will select the first 10 projects. The next 5 will be awarded based on the ratings of fellow community members of World Architecture Community. 

Selection process

The fourth month of the cycle will be for the WA Awards Jury to evaluate and vote (the first 10 of the 10+5+X). In the meantime, during the entire 3 months, World Architecture Community members may rate the projects that were submitted for WA Awards consideration and at the end of the cycle, once the 3 months are passed, the 5 most rated projects by World Architecture Community members would form the second 5 of the 10+5+X. 

In order to rate the projects, a WAC member must have at least 1 uploaded project in his/her page and the project should have been opened to the public by being approved by World Architecture Community.

Finally, the "X" can be those projects, which did not make it to the final selection of 10 or 5, but which had that something "special", that made them worthy of selection and acknowledgement as "X" by the WA Jury.


Winners of WA Awards will receive a digital, special WA Award Winner Poster and a digital WA Award Certificate that will be made available to the participants a few weeks after the announcement of the winners.

Once the Cycle is closed, submitted projects will be featured in an article on WAC to invite the WAC members to Vote and Rate the projects, with a separate email to our members. 

Winners will also be announced in a featured article on WAC, as well as sharing the results with our Media Partners and other global publications. 

To start your entry and see a visual guidance, visit our How To Participate page. 

If you have further questions about WA Awards 10+5+X, you can contact the WAC team at [email protected].

Top image in the poster: Sky Yards Hotel by Domain Architects in China won the WA Award in the 37th Cycle. Image courtesy of Domain Architects.