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RCR Summer Workshop Online 2021 - Registration Open

Spain Architecture News - May 13, 2021 - 16:51   2726 views

RCR Summer Workshop Online 2021 - Registration Open

In 2008, the first International Workshop RCR was launched from Pritzker Prize-winning studio RCR Arquitectes and RCR Lab·A until the creation of a seed format in its fifth edition in 2012. From 2013, the management passes to RCR Lab·A in co-organization with RCR Bunka Private Foundation.

Currently, during the month of August, there are workshops of Architecture and Landscape, Audiovisual and Photography, and Scenography, managed by RCR Lab·A, with an additional offer of a Dance and Graphic Design Program. 

The Open Program for all publics enriches the International Workshop with conferences and an exhibition, designed and organized by RCR Bunka Private Foundation.

The 2021 edition of RCR Summer Workshop which offers three workshops:

  • II International e-Workshop of Architecture and Landscape. From July 5 to 23, 2021. Directed by Pritzker Prize winners 2017 Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta.
  • II International e-Workshop of Photography. From July 5 to 16, 2021. Directed by Hisao Suzuki.
  • II International e-Workshop of Photography + I International e-Workshop of Audiovisual. From July 5 to 23, 2021. Directed by Hisao Suzuki.

II International e-Workshop of Architecture and Landscape

From July 5 to 23, 2021

Registration Open

Directors: RCR Arquitectes – Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, Ramon Vilalta
Teaching Staff: ETSAB Guest Teacher I; ETSAB Guest Teacher II; Teacher III; Teacher-assistant


RCR Summer Workshop is born of a way of understanding architecture and landscape from a humanistic spirit. The coexistence in a specific space and time of different creative disciplines during the on-site workshop has generated synergies for mutual enrichment. The online format is heir to these ideas transferred to a virtual campus.

The workshop is designed following four main ideas that articulate the program:

  • Competition Format: Closed exercises that condense a complex process within a specific time frame
  • Transversality: An integrative interdisciplinary approach
  • Sharing: Shared creativity fostering the capacity for dialogue
  • Experience: Understanding derived from observation, participation and experience

The workshop focuses on the experience of the participants, showing the territory where the work of RCR Arquitectes is rooted, with the aim of understanding their relationship with the site and the landscape, to share and pass on an attitude to life, architecture and creativity, putting into practice their working methods.

Creativity must be at the origin of the concept, present at the initial moment where we give answer to the question we are asked, and should be shared by all the participants, being the common thread of the process. Everything results from creativity.

The Program consists in

  • Online Campus. A conference offer will be combined with various extension webinars and small group consultations in small groups on topics related to the project methodology of RCR Arquitectes and other specific ones that will accompany the exercises to be developed.
  • Creative Atelier. Four exercises are proposed with the aim of generating the ability to stand out conceptually and know how to communicate resolutely in a short time. There will be corrections by RCR Arquitectes.
  • Open Program. A series of conferences in common with the Photography and the Audiovisual workshops.

Length: 19 days

Teaching Load:  120 hours

Open Program Load: 12 hours

Level: Advanced

Read more on the website.

RCR Summer Workshop Online 2021 - Registration Open

II International e-Workshop of Photography

From July 5 to 16, 2021

Registration Open

Director: Hisao Suzuki
Teaching Staff: Júlia de Balle, Tomoko Sakamoto, Alba Domènech


RCR Summer Workshop is born of a way of understanding architecture and landscape from a humanistic spirit. The coexistence in a specific space and time of different creative disciplines during the on-site workshop has generated synergies for mutual enrichment. The online format is heir to these ideas transferred to a virtual campus.

The workshop is designed following four main ideas that articulate the program:

  • Competition Format: Closed exercises that condense a complex process within a specific time frame
  • Transversality: An integrative interdisciplinary approach
  • Sharing: Shared creativity fostering the capacity for dialogue
  • Experience: Understanding derived from observation, participation and experience

he workshop has the aim of broadening knowledge of audiovisual and photography, centered in Architecture and Space. The course develops from the approach to the territory and architecture of RCR and combines reflection on Visual Arts and its implementation in practice through a creative work. The exercises are raised around the awakening of the senses, stimulating the creation of images that make us experience wanting to touch, listen and be in this specific place.

Creativity must be at the origin of the concept, present at the initial moment where we give answer to the question we are asked, and should be shared by all the participants, being the common thread of the process. Everything results from creativity.

The Program consists in

  • Online campus.  A conference offer will be combined with various extension webinars and small group consultations. The topics will be: camera and photography, the silence of the light, the work of the architecture photographer, imagine the finished photograph before starting to take it, workflow with Photoshop and Lightroom, see on the monitor or print on paper, editing and publishing.
  • Creative Atelier. Each participant will make a free-themed photographic report, putting the knowledge learned into practice. There will be corrections by Hisao Suzuki and RCR Arquitectes.
  • Open Program. A series of conferences in common with the Architecture and Landscape and the Audiovisual workshops.

Lenght: 12 days

Teaching Load:  60 hours

Open Program Load: 12 hours

Level: Introductory / Advanced

Read more on the website

RCR Summer Workshop Online 2021 - Registration Open

II International e-Workshop of Photography + I International e-Workshop of Audiovisual

From July 5 to 23, 2021

Registration Open

Director: Hisao Susuki
Tutor: Júlia de Balle, Tomoko Sakamoto, Alba Domènech


RCR Summer Workshop is born of a way of understanding architecture and landscape from a humanistic spirit. The coexistence in a specific space and time of different creative disciplines during the on-site workshop has generated synergies for mutual enrichment. The online format is heir to these ideas transferred to a virtual campus.

The workshop is designed following four main ideas that articulate the program:

  • Competition Format: Closed exercises that condense a complex process within a specific time frame
  • Transversality: An integrative interdisciplinary approach
  • Sharing: Shared creativity fostering the capacity for dialogue
  • Experience: Understanding derived from observation, participation and experience

This edition offers the option of expanding the II Photography e-workshop (for more information here) with workshops onaudiovisual language that arises from the desire to recover the transversality of the face-to-face workshop that combined Photography and Audiovisual and offer this possibility to participants who are interested in both fields.

This workshop starts from the theoretical bases learned and put into practice in the Photography workshop and aims to serve as an introduction to the world of audiovisual language, both theoretically and practically, focused on the representation of space and architecture. The course is developed from RCR Arquitectes’ approach to architecture and its conception of the visual representation of a work or project. From there, we will investigate the different phases of the audiovisual production process and lay the foundations for each one to carry out a creative exercise.

Creativity must be at the origin of the concept, present at the initial moment where we give answer to the question we are asked, and should be shared by all the participants, being the common thread of the process. Everything results from creativity.

The Program consists in

  • Online Campus. A conference offer will be combined with various extension webinars and small group consultations. The topics will be: the foundations of audiovisual language, audiovisual formats, storytelling, editing, the use of sound and music, workflow with Premiere Pro and After Effects.
  • Creative Atelier. Each participant will make an audiovisual according to their interest and need: present an architecture project, present a work or a space, a documentary or experimental short film about light, a material, etc. There will be corrections by Hisao Susuki and RCR Arquitectes.
  • Open Program. A series of conferences in common with the Architecture and Landscape and the Photography workshops.

Length: 12 days Photography | 8 days Audiovisual

Teaching Load:  60 hours Photography | 35 hours Audiovisual

Open Program Load: 12 hours

Level: Introductory/Advanced – Photography | Introductory – Audiovisual

Read more on the website.

Register to RCR Summer Workshop 2021.

All images courtesy of RCR Arquitectes. 

> via RCR Summer Workshop