Submitted by Pappal Suneja

Rescape: “Housing for One”: Sqr Factor Design Competition Entry from India

India Architecture News - Dec 13, 2018 - 21:07   18233 views

Rescape: “Housing for One”: Sqr Factor Design Competition Entry from India

This is the synopsis of Sqr factor: "Housing for one", a National Design Competition Entry – Rescape; Residing in Urban Landscape by young Indians architecture students Mayank Gupta, Nalini Sharma, Pooja Singh, and architect Pappal Suneja. The entry was Shortlisted in ‘Top 30’ best design interventions by the juror panel comprising of Prof Krishna Rao Jaisim, Gita Balakrishnan, Sathya Prakash Varanashi & Vijay Narnapatti.

Brief describe in the competition was such that “The growing issue of homeless people around the world is one that needs to be tackled on a war footing. As our cities grow, each of them is occupied by a diverse narrative of migrants who make the city their home. A one-third of all urban dwellers worldwide – 1.2 billion people are the one that lacks access to safe and secure housing”.

The basic ideology behind this proposal is an attempt to provide shelter for the urban poor without compromising with live-ability and human rights. Keeping the design resilient enough for unplanned activities, there are open spaces and an ample scope for expansion and portability to the modules. The units are designed to deal with the physical and spiritual facets of architecture and are spacious enough to destroy the social and economic barriers set by society. The major design parameters include Home as a workspace, Green Balconies, mezzanine floor, mutual shading, landscaping elements, Extension, and alternative composition modules etc.

Rescape: “Housing for One”: Sqr Factor Design Competition Entry from India

Home as a Workspace

Providing free green space in front of the house as a spillover space that can be utilized to sit relax and enjoy the ambiance around, can also be used for domestic activities. Also, the people from lower income strata often indulge themselves in activities like vegetable selling, pickle making, papad making etc. For extra income, the provision of extra space may be utilized for all such daily chores and part-time activities.

Further, the fifty units housing is initially divided into two groups of 25 units each and placed parallel according to the solar orientation. Considering the shortage of affordable housing in the urban areas and their land cost, the land use is kept minimal forming a cluster and hence reducing down the ground coverage of the site.

Rescape: “Housing for One”: Sqr Factor Design Competition Entry from India

Landscaping Elements

The central units of each group are displaced off the axis to develop a community gathering space, focusing on the ideas of creating opportunities for growth and development with due course of time. Landscaping is done in view to control the flow of people and vehicles and to avoid people utilize the open community space as parking. With elements like street lights, trees and benches, the open space is divided and separated without boundaries, preserving the functionality of the common space.

Rescape: “Housing for One”: Sqr Factor Design Competition Entry from India

Mutual Shading & Green Buffer

The units are mutually shaded, naturally lit and ventilated – also includes a space for the green buffer. Green - majorly for positive energy, maintaining cool, noise barrier and pollution absorption. Bringing the daylight and fresh air in all parts of the house through windows and perforated Jali wall. Also, privacy is provided between the interior spaces; predominantly for the bedrooms, by creating a mezzanine floor for personal usage.

Rescape: “Housing for One”: Sqr Factor Design Competition Entry from India

Fact file:

Name of Competition: Housing for One

Conducted by: Sqr Factor, India

Date of Conclusion: November 2018


Mayank Gupta, B.Arch. 4th Year, NIT Hamirpur

Nalini Sharma, B.Arch. 4th Year, NIT Hamirpur

Pooja Singh, B.Arch. 4th Year, SMVDU, Jammu

Pappal Suneja, Architect & Mentor

All Images © Mayank Gupta, Nalini Sharma, Pooja Singh & Pappal Suneja