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Construction work starts for OMA's Simone-Veil Bridge in Bordeaux

France Architecture News - Mar 21, 2022 - 13:19   2642 views

Construction work starts for OMA's Simone-Veil Bridge in Bordeaux

Construction work has begun for OMA's Simone-Veil Bridge in Bordeaux, France

OMA announced that the first element of the Simone-Veil Bridge’s metal framework was installed on the right bank of the Garonne River, France. 

When completed, the 549-meter Simone-Veil Bridge will span the two banks of the Garonne River and provide a new public space in the city. The bridge will connect the municipalities Floirac to Bègles and Bordeaux. 

Led by OMA Partner Chris van Duijn and project architect Gilles Guyot, the project is the first bridge in OMA’s portfolio and the sixth bridge across the Garonne. 

The bridge is conceived as a continuous surface extending beyond the banks of the river to the landscaped public spaces on each side. 

Construction work starts for OMA's Simone-Veil Bridge in Bordeaux

Image courtesy OMA

Reaching a 44-meter width, the bridge accommodates individual lanes for private cars, public transport, bicycles, and foot traffic, and includes the largest lane dedicated to pedestrians. 

As OMA stated, different sections of the bridge can be closed off at any time and can be transformed into a temporary event space for activities such as festivals and markets.

Construction work starts for OMA's Simone-Veil Bridge in Bordeaux

Image © Bordeaux Métropole – JB. Menges / A. Sibelait

"The bridge, which features generous space for pedestrians and a landscaped public area at the banks, changes the traditional function of a bridge," said Chris van Duijn, Partner at OMA.

"Beyond simply connecting two banks, the bridge becomes a central civic space."

The structure, which is pushed from the right bank, will connect to the left bank in November 2022. 

Construction work starts for OMA's Simone-Veil Bridge in Bordeaux

Image © Bordeaux Métropole – JB. Menges / A. Sibelait

Scheduled to be completed in phases, the bridge and public amenities are planned to be completed in 2024. Construction work will be followed by a parkway at Bègles and a sculptural park at Floirac, which will complete the interventions respectively on the left and right banks of the river.

Construction work starts for OMA's Simone-Veil Bridge in Bordeaux

Image © Bordeaux Métropole – JB. Menges / A. Sibelait

Construction work starts for OMA's Simone-Veil Bridge in Bordeaux

Image © Bordeaux Métropole – JB. Menges / A. Sibelait

Chris van Duijn, Partner at OMA, is leading OMA's Asia projects. The Taipei Performing Arts Center, the refurbishment of the UCCA in Beijing and the Columbia Circle in Shanghai are among projects of Chris van Duijn is leading. 

OMA is currently designing a linear and web-shaped bridge for Jojutla Bridge in Mexico. Another bridge, called 11th Street Bridge Park, designed by OMA, together with Philadelphia-based landscape architects OLIN, structural engineers WRA, also received an approval in Washington, D.C in 2020. 

Top image courtesy OMA.

> via OMA