Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein

Angela Lee Ka Ki appointed as WAC's France Country Reporter

France Architecture News - May 04, 2018 - 07:08   16856 views

Angela Lee Ka Ki appointed as WAC's France Country Reporter

Angela Lee Ka Ki - France

Since January 27, 2017

Angela Lee Ka Ki has been appointed as France's Country Reporter, as part of the WAC's Country Editors/Reporters program. Angela Lee Ka Ki has a special interest on new 3D-Printing technologies, new fabrication techniques and biomaterial world of architecture, as well as parametricism and robotic architecture. Focusing on the same field in all her articles, Angela always brings us innovative, striking, newsworthy projects and events with a good story and fantastic images. Her tone on writing is flowing, simple and broadly-referenced as always related to her previous articles to highlight specific issues. Angela is on her way to become a master journalist who writes on innovation and new material techniques. Her most popular article Triangle In Paris Received Positive Public Responses has reached over 6,247 views at the time of this article.

"I see WAC as a global architecture news network not only to report works from known international studios, but also to discover local architects and institutions who truely understand and contribute to the local developments. I has been contributing to WAC since 2017 and developping topics like ecological designs and digital fabrications," said Angela Lee Ka Ki.

Angela Lee Ka Ki is an architectural designer who gained her Master of Architecture degree in Pratt institute, New York. She is currently working in Paris and she has worked with design studios in Hong Kong, Germany, Italy and New York. She also worked with NGOs in Bulgaria and Cambodia for several community art and design projects. Angela enjoys interdisciplinary collaborations and researches, especially in ecology, science and social participation.

"I have been contributing contents to France where her contents constantly question what does it mean for architecture to be ecological in extremely urban or rural environments. And how does parametric designs tools and digital fabrications impacts design and constructions cultures in different countries."

"I enjoy reading articles from countries that I have never been, as a way to understand better the culture for my future visits. I especially enjoy reading articles from India," she added.

You can follow Angela on LinkedIn and her personal website.

If you also want to be part of our volunteer reporters and become "the voice of your country on WAC while being the face of WAC in your country", please send your motivation message and your CV to [email protected]. We also accept more than one reporter by country.

Top image courtesy of Angela Lee Ka Ki