Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
Francesca Cuoghi appointed as Italy’s Country Reporter
Italy Architecture News - Apr 25, 2018 - 03:18 18903 views
Francesca Cuoghi - Italy
Since November 3, 2017
Francesca Cuoghi has been appointed as Italy's Country Reporter, as part of the WAC's Country Editors/Reporters program. Francesca has a flowing writing style and her tone for writing is very clear, well-presented and target-based. She knows how to present a story very well. She loves to write on some specific projects that interest her; renovation projects, traditional Italian houses, transformation of industrial spaces are only a few of them. Francesca also loves to highlight traditional Italian architecture through new contemporary projects. Francesca's most popular article The Country House Between Tradition And Contemporary has reached over 4,078 views at the time of this article.
"I think, I have selected some interesting projects that have caught the interest of readers, reaching good results in only a few days from publication. This has been very useful to better understand the topics that can be mostly interesting. And, the submission system is efficient and it’s user-friendly. This is a key point in digital journalism," Francesca told World Architecture Community.
Francesca is a journalist, communication specialist and writer with a degree in foreign languages. She has created the storytelling travel blog called Ciao Emilia, the region where she was born and raised.
"A strong passion for writing and architecture has led me to apply for WAC. There are so many stunning projects that are worth to be shared with the worldwide community. I’m very happy to be the Country Reporter for Italy and I’m very pleased to have been selected for this. My aim is to discover brand new architectural applications and tell stories that can be shared with the community," she added.
"I love writing and I’m willing to pursue new path when required. If I have the chance to grow my professional writing skills, this means that what I have done, has been appreciated. I will focus the attention on providing original and good content that can be shared worldwide."
"I share all my articles with friends and my own environment. Actually, there is no particular country that I find more interesting than others. What makes the difference is the story and photos," Francesca concluded.
You can follow Francesca on Twitter, Pinterest and her personal website.
If you also want to be part of our volunteer reporters and become "the voice of your country on WAC while being the face of WAC in your country", please send your motivation message and your CV to [email protected].
Top image courtesy of Francesca Cuoghi