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WAC Announces Franklin Yemeli as Togo's Country Reporter

Togo Architecture News - Feb 01, 2021 - 09:59   6817 views

WAC Announces Franklin Yemeli as Togo's Country Reporter

Franklin Yemeli - Togo

Since January 25, 2021

Franklin Yemeli has been appointed as the Togo's Country Reporter as part of the WAC's Country Editors/Reporters Program. Franklin Yemeli graduated from the African School of Architecture and Urban Planning (EAMAU) and he is pursuing a Master's Degree in Architecture at EAMAU in Lomé, Togo. 

"I am self-taught, meticulous and enthusiastic about learning new skills. I aspire to one day be an author of books that will have a positive impact on people's lives as much as I would create buildings that will help build a better world," said Franklin Yemeli. 

He writes contents for blogs and magazines, he develops his own blog, called Devenir Architecte. Yemeli is a passionate award-winning architecture student and winner of several international architecture competitions.

He was awarded the African Coastaline Prize by the Jacques Rougerie Foundation in 2018, the Architecture MasterPrize for Green Architecture in 2019, the Gold prize in the Creative Conscience Awards - Open Brief in 2019, WA Awards 10+5+X in the 34th Cycle in Student category in 2020 with his SEME-BIOSE: Beyond Resilience project in Senegal.

You can follow Franklin on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

If you also want to be part of our volunteer reporters and become "the voice of your country on WAC while being the face of WAC in your country", please send your motivation message and your CV to [email protected]. We also accept more than one reporter by country. But first, please read WAC's application details here

Top image courtesy of Franklin Yemeli.