Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
World Architecture Community shortlisted for Dennis Sharp CICA Awards 2020
Turkey Architecture News - Aug 11, 2020 - 10:42 3448 views
World Architecture Community has been shortlisted for Dennis Sharp CICA Awards for Architectural Criticism 2020 by The International Committee of Architectural Critics CICA.
We are very proud that WAC has been shortlisted for the Marina Waisman CICA Digital Communication Award 2020 where The Architect’s Newspaper, Viceversa Magazine and the Getty Research Institute compete in the same category.
Being one of the most acclaimed academic awards for architectural criticism, the CICA Awards was established in 1978 in Mexico during the XIII World Congress of the International Union of Architects UIA.
The 10th edition of the CICA Awards 2020 falls into four categories: Bruno Zevi CICA Book Award, which recognizes "published books on architectural criticism, theory and history."
Pierre Vago CICA Journalism Award is given to "an article of architectural criticism for individual, institutional or society magazines, newspapers and journals."
Julius Posener CICA Exhibition Catalogue Award is given to "a critical text, preface or introduction published in an exhibition catalogue or supporting publication produced for an architectural exhibition."
And, Marina Waisman CICA Digital Communication Award is given to non-print media and publications, WAC competes in this category as a non-print media.
The international jury is comprised of: Wilfried Wang - Chair, Germany/USA, Fernando Diez from Argentina), Karen Eicker from South Africa, Louise Noelle Gras from Mexico, Suha Ozkan from Turkey, Xing Ruan from China/Australia and Joseph Rykwert from USA/UK. Trenton A. Sexton (USA) is the Assistant to the Jury.
The current President of the CICA is Joseph Rykwert and CICA Board Members are François Chaslin (France), Manuel Cuadra (Germany), Louise Noelle Gras (Mexico), Suha Ozkan (Turkey), and Yasmin Shariff (UK).
Michael Kimmelman, Blair Kamin, Edward A. Eigen, Jack Murphy compete in the Dennis Sharp CICA Awards 2020
One of the Awards categories also include some well-known names, The New York Times architecture critic Michael Kimmelman, Chicago Tribune architecture critic Blair Kamin and Rice Design Alliance editor Jack Murphy compete in the CICA Pierre Vago Journalism Award 2020 category.
World-renowned architectural historian and critic Mari Carpo has been shortlisted for the CICA Bruno Zevi Book Award 2020, while Senior Lecturer Edward A. Eigen in the History of Landscape and Architecture at the Harvard GSD has been shortlisted in the same category.
About CICA Awards
The prestigious CICA Book Awards were initiated at the XIV UIA World Congress in Warsaw, 1981. The first major CICA book award was given to Prof Manfredi Nicoletti for his book L’Architettura delle Caverne (Laterza).
The CICA prize for journalism was jointly shared between James Marsden Fitch for an AIA Journal article and Kenneth Frampton for an article in L’ Architecture d’Aujourd’hui.
The first CICA award for a preface or introduction to an exhibition catalogue went to Arthur Drexler for Transformations (MOMA).
Previous recipients include Alan Colquhon, Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe, Roger Connah, William Curtis and Heinrich Klotz. Publishers in receipt of awards include MIT Press, Phaidon, Laterza, Oxford etc.
CICA has held many critical sessions so far, some of the cities hosted the CICA sessions and they are: Warsaw, Cairo, Brighton, Rome, Vienna, Chicago, Sydney, Barcelona, Istanbul, Montreal, Paris, New York, London, Gelsenkirchen, Beijing, Berlin, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Kuwait, Vancouver, Istanbul, Torino, Tokyo, Durban and Seoul.
The winners will be announced during the UIA XXVII World Congress of Architecture which will be held in Rio de Janeiro from 18 to 22 July 2021.
> via CICA