Submitted by Baden Baden Edgar
Call for projects to ArchiGénieur Africa competition
Cameroon Architecture News - Jun 19, 2020 - 16:14 2345 views
The ArchiGénieur Afrique competition was born out of the desire to support and amplify the teaching of Architecture, Urban Planning, Civil Engineering, Design, and Landscape in Africa. It wishes to contribute to the dissemination of a positive image of local African materials used in construction; to cultivate inspiration and creativity, and to give actors in the above-mentioned fields the opportunity to explore the immense potential of architectural and technical creation. The ArchiGénieur Afrique competition, therefore, focuses on addressing urban issues and challenges related to the African continent.
Image © AFRIKArchi- Logo of the association AFRIKArchi
The competition ArchiGénieur Afrique has been initiated by the association (non-profit-making law 1901) AFRIKArchi based in France. It was founded by two architects of African origin, the Beninese Romarick ATOKE and the Franco-Algerian Khader BERREKLA. Created in 2011, AFRIKArchi is represented in nearly 15 African countries such as Algeria, Benin, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Mali, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Tunisia, etc...
Image © Our world in data- life expectancy in the world in 2019. Image courtesy of Our World in Data
The 2020 theme
"Designing or rehabilitating local health facilities in urban areas in Africa."
It is proposed to the candidates to develop an architectural and urban project around a local health facility. This is an opportunity to think about spaces that allow the development of a neighbourhood life, places of exchange, conviviality and social links. The proposals will have to take into account the technical aspects related to hygiene specific to health facilities, but also the use of space, the management of flows, the control of ambiences, comfort, the presence of plants, the relationship to the street, the surrounding buildings and the landscape. It is thus proposed to design or rehabilitate a small or medium-sized facility ranging from a medico-social centre bringing together several health professionals to a neighbourhood clinic for the reception and hospitalisation of patients.
The competition targets young architects, urban planners and engineers from Africa. However, it remains open to students enrolled in schools and universities outside the continent, as well as young professionals under the age of 35 who may join forces with candidates of African origin and form teams of up to four candidates.
- October 2019: Announcement of the theme.
- February 2020: Registration opens
Participants will be able to register individually or in groups on the website dedicated to the operation. They will also find all the practical information there.
- End of July 2020: Closure of the competition
For more information, we invite participants to consult the detailed rules of the contest, on our website.
- September 2020: Jury and deliberation
The Jury will deliberate and three winning teams will be selected. Special mentions will also be awarded at the discretion of the Jury, which will also select several projects for the international exhibition. The 3 winning teams will receive at least the following prizes:
1st Prize: 2 000€ / 2nd Prize: 1 500€ / 3rd Prize: 1 000€.
Top image courtesy of AFRIKArchi
> via AFRIKArchi