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Call for projects: 2A Continental Architectural Award Berlin 2017
Germany Architecture News - May 03, 2017 - 10:32 15657 views
2A Magazine has announced 2ACAA 2017, with the theme of "Innovative Architecture in Various Continents" for Asia, Europe and North of America. Accordingly, the Award is for recognition of an individual's or group's substantial contribution to today’s architecture in Asia in terms of contemporary challenges of the field and region and lasting influence on the theory and practice of architecture.
2ACAA 2017 will be accompanied by an event taking place in Berlin in October 20th, 2017. This gathering is a profile of the diversity of cultures, identities, themes, ideas, and experiences in Asia’s architecture and a platform to share, explore and discuss in a professional environment.
The competition receives online projects submissions from June 15th to July 25th for each category, which can be seen below with jury members. The entries are submitted through 2ACAA website.
The program includes:
- The Award Ceremony- In October 20th, 2017
- The exhibition of the winners projects - In October 20th, 2017
- A Unique events that brings Asian, European and North American Architects together
The jury panel for 2A North American Architectural Award- Berlin 2017 consists of:
Nader Ardalan, Architect, President of Ardalan Associates, LLC
Geraldine Forbes Isais, Dean, School of Architecture and Planning - University of New Mexico
Tom Wiscombe, Chair of the B. Arch. program of SCI-Arc
The jury panel for 2A Asia Architecture Award- Berlin 2017 consists of:
Nader Ardalan, Architect, President of Ardalan Associates, LLC
Shirish Beri, Architect, President of Shirish Beri Associates in India
Waro Kishi, Architect, Professor of Kayoto University of Art and Design
The jury panel for 2A Europe Architecture Award- Berlin 2017 consists of:
Ulrike Lauber, Architect, Professor Dipl.-Ing. Buth Hochschule fur Technik, Berlin
Hubert Nienhoff, Dipl.-Ing. Architect, gmp (international architect & engineers) Partner
Sergei Tchoban , Architect BIDA - nps tchoban voss, Berlin- Moscow
The following criteria will be considered to recognize and honor a built project/ future project in Asia that has produced significant contributions to humanity and built environment.
- Design Achievement including Concept, Strategy and Proceedings
- Technical advancement includes engineering achievements (structural, mechanical, etc.) and innovative use of materials
- Reflection of sense of place and of cultural identity and ecology; environmental sustainability (including ecological, and sociocultural sustainability)
- Social responsibility and community and urban connectivity
- The effects of economical condition on the project
Note: Each categories have specific Vision which has been published in the award website
Categories for Completed Projects:
For completed projects, the award will be presented in the following categories. All categories are open to practices of all sizes and there is no limit to the amount of categories. You can enter, however one project cannot be entered in two different categories. Please see How to Enter for more details on entries.
1) Residential
A- Apartment
B- Villa
2) Commercial (Office & Business, Retail and wholesale, Production)
3) Public (Sport & Leisure, Education, Hospitality, Culture, Mixed Use, Health, Religion, Civic ,Transportation)
4) Urban Projects, Rural Projects, Landscape & Public Spaces (Including squares and streets)
5) Old and New (Reuse and adaptation, Renovation, Restoration, Regeneration)
6) Interior Architecture
7) Future Projects / Innovative Designs
This competition is organised with Academic Partners from University of Beuth Hochschule Fur Technik Berlin and Design Academy Berlin for the 2A Europe Architecture Award 2017.
The University of Kansas is Academic Partner of 2A North American Architectural Award 2017.
All images courtesy of 2A Magazine
> via 2A Magazine