Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein

Saskia Sassen asking: ’What is it that Jane Jacobs made us want to see in the city?’

United Kingdom Architecture News - May 05, 2016 - 11:01   5027 views

Saskia Sassen asking: ’What is it that Jane Jacobs made us want to see in the city?’

[.....] She would ask us to look at the consequences of these sub-economies for the city – for its people, its neighbourhoods, and the visual orders involved. She would ask us to consider all the other economies and spaces impacted by the massive gentrifications of the modern city – not least, the resultant displacements of modest households and profit-making, neighbourhood firms. 

How do we see those aspects that are typically rendered invisible by modern narratives of development and urban competitiveness?.....Continue Reading 

Top Image: Author and activist Jane Jacobs at a community meeting in Greenwich Village’s Washington Square Park in 1963. Photograph: Fred W McDarrah/Getty Images.

> via The Guardian