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Metropolitan Cities: Are Housing Needs And Demands Aligned? discussed at MIPIM 2016

France Architecture News - Mar 16, 2016 - 20:36   6945 views

Metropolitan Cities: Are Housing Needs And Demands Aligned? discussed at MIPIM 2016

'Housing' is the trend term and the most speculative issue for MIPIM 2016, which has been discussed in many sessions with its different sub-layers. Titled 'Metropolitan Cities: Are Housing Needs And Demands Aligned?', the session put all dynamic questions and design methodologies for all cities and evaluated community's basic demands in order to adapt the most affordable houses in the cities. The panel has specifically focused on these issues which have to be solved by governments or municipalities: 

-The demand for housing is increasing while production, particularly of affordable housing, is decreasing. What is the impact on the attractiveness of cities?

-Affordable and social housing are lacking. What are the main imbalances? Social equity? Access to transportation facilities? How are cities facing these challenges?

-Supply of housing rarely meets the demand. How can cities help transform offices and / or factories into housing?

-Does housing supply match demand in qualitative terms (size, scalability….)? How can we anticipate future housing needs (flexibility, adaptability…)?

Metropolitan Cities: Are Housing Needs And Demands Aligned? discussed at MIPIM 2016

The panelists have discussed the latest policies about social housing over Italy (especially Bologna) and Manchester. In this discussion, the experts said that the municipality launched a new urban regeneration program considering the aesthetic values of buildings and Bologna is shaped by low-cost houses, which are the most important part of urban regeneration program. ''Bologna are developed by considering the existing city fabric'' said the panelists. 

Italy stand at MIPIM 2016 from WorldArchitecture on Vimeo.


For Manchester, there 24.000 residents in the heart of the city and Manchester is growing up with many social housings, it is a regeneration city and developed many social housing through public funds. The new public policy in Manchester tries to balance the sophisticated conditions of social housing including powerty. The new design methodologies for Manchester are changing the economic character of place as well. ''If you want self-sustained community, you have to consider all these things to get pragmatic solutions'' said the panelists. 

Metropolitan Cities: Are Housing Needs And Demands Aligned? discussed at MIPIM 2016

Metropolitan Cities: Are Housing Needs And Demands Aligned? discussed at MIPIM 2016

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