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The New Face Of Japan’s Property Market at MIPIM 2016
France Architecture News - Mar 16, 2016 - 13:33 6273 views
According to recent surveys, foreign Real Estate investments in Japan have risen by 61% over last year. 'The New Face Of Japan’s Property Market' session at MIPIM 2016 has focused on the latest financial conditions and new business opportunities of Japan's property market in terms of many pespectives.
The speakers including Takashi Ishizuka, is Deputy Director-General at City Bureau of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan (MLIT), Frank Khoo, is currently Global Head of Asia at AXA Investment Managers - Real Assets and a member of the Executive Committee, Kanji Matsushita, General Manager Project Development Section, Business Promotion Dept, Seigo Tanaka, Vice Mayor, City of Osaka, Hideki Yano, President, Sumisho Realty Management Co.,Ltd and Stephen Williams, Executive Managing Director, Real Capital Analytics (moderator) evaluated Japan's property market over 4 important titles: japanese economic outlook, real estate market, business environment in Japan (especially in Tokyo) and business opportunities.
Particularly, the experts in this session have talked about 'transparency of data' and 'availability of information' with steadibility in Japan's real estate. Moreover, it has been discussed that financial supports are given by the government on special zones in Tokyo. Japanese economy is shaped by local investors and company partners while the economy recovering and growing up steadily. ''Coprorate and capital taxes decreases and we need global investors'' says Hideki Yano, President, Sumisho Realty Management Co.,Ltd.
Japanese market has evolved in recent years and 'transparency' is the key factor for investors and developers because Japan is now disconnected from global market. Hideki Yano said that ''Japanese population is shrinking and aging'' and we believe in transparency in data because our local partners are also very reliable to develop new business''. ''Healthcare industry is still not in the Japan's market'' added Kanji Matsushita, General Manager Project Development Section, Business Promotion Dept,. There are many diversifications to develop business in Japan's property market'' added experts.
detailed information about the session after the break....
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