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London School of Architecture show and tell: The Future for Architects

United Kingdom Architecture News - Feb 25, 2016 - 09:29   8276 views

London School of Architecture show and tell: The Future for Architects

all images courtesy of Design Museum. 

Thursday 3 March 2016, 19:00

Design Museum

28 Shad Thames, London SE1 2YD

Design Museum presents a new talk about 'The Future of Architects' in collaboration with London School of Architecture, which is a private school recently founded by Will Hunter. What is the architect’s role in the 21st Century? Leading thinkers Alastair Parvin and Daniel Susskind are joined by Farshid Moussavi and Will Hunter in an evening exploring the contemporary state of the profession. 

London School of Architecture show and tell: The Future for Architects

Many architects feel that the professional community is in flux; in recent decades, architects have become increasingly marginalised in the construction process, with their traditional functions being usurped by others and with fierce competition causing lower fees. Meanwhile, the pace of change – in particular the rise of digital technologies – presents as many challenges as it does opportunities. 

London School of Architecture show and tell: The Future for Architects

Two speakers who are at the forefront of critical enquiry into the role of the architect, present their visions for how the profession must evolve. Daniel Susskind’s talk explains how, in an internet society, ‘increasingly capable systems’ will undermine professional monopolies and change the way that specialist knowledge is made available. While Alastair Parvin reports from the frontline of that digital revolution, discussing 00’s work advancing open source design and production, and speculating upon what the economy might look like both for design professionals and also for citizens in the future. 

London School of Architecture show and tell: The Future for Architects

Both speakers illustrate urgent new models for practice in the 21st century, and participate in a panel discussion following their presentations with Farshid Moussavi and Will Hunter.

London School of Architecture show and tell: The Future for Architects

London School of Architecture show and tell: The Future for Architects

Tickets include entry to the Designs of the Year exhibition before the talk begins. Doors will open at 18:15. The Designs of the Year exhibition will be open for ticket holders to view between 18:15 and 19:00, and will then close. The talk will start at 19:00 and last for 1 hour 30 minutes.

This event will be filmed and recorded for use on the Design Museum and London School of Architecture online and web platforms. 

Adults £12 / Students £9 / Members £6

Book your tickets from here.

> via Design Museum