Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein

Harvard’s first Black in Design Conference, October 9 - 10, 2015

United States Architecture News - Sep 28, 2015 - 09:37   4941 views

Harvard’s first Black in Design Conference, October 9 - 10, 2015

above image © Allison Green, all images courtesy of Black in Design

Black in Design, 9-10 October, 2015

Harvard University Graduate School of Design

Piper Auditorium, Gund Hall

48 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

The Black in Design Conference, organized by the African American Student Union (AASU) at the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), seeks to simultaneously recognize the contributions of African Descendants to the design fields and to broaden our definition of what it means to be a designer. The initiators of The Black in Design Conference believe that initial steps towards addressing social injustice through design are to reclaim the histories of underrepresented groups in design pedagogy and to implicate designers as having a role in repairing our broken built environment.

Harvard’s first Black in Design Conference, October 9 - 10, 2015
Dedicated to the pursuit of just and equitable spaces across all scales, this conference will broach conversations in increasing orders of magnitude: the building, the neighborhood, the city, the region, and the globe. They hope that this conference will serve to ingrain compassion for human beings into the ethos of design more broadly, as well as to serve  as a call to action for the GSD to instill within each and every person who passes through its doors the responsibility to build just and equitable spaces at every scale.

Harvard’s first Black in Design Conference, October 9 - 10, 2015

Tentative Program of the Conference

Friday / 9 October 2015

3:00 - 6:00 pm: Registration

4:00 - 6:30 pm: Design Pedagogy Panel // Practice Workshop

Opening Remarks by Dean Mohsen Mostafavi

Amber Wiley, Dan D’Oca, Diane Davis, Sonja Dümpelmann, Toni Griffin

Moderated by Michael  Hays

Workshop featuring Phil Freelon, Women in Design and Working GSD

6:30 - 8:30 pm: Reception

AASU Beer & Dogs


Saturday /10 October 2015

8:30 - 9:30 am: Registration

9:30 - 9:45 am: Opening Remarks by C + C

Short film addressing terminology

9:45 - 10:45 am: Session 1 | Building

Camilo José Vergara, Deanna Van Buren, Jeanine Hays & Bryan Mason, Mitch McEwen 

11:00 am - 12:00 pm: Session 2 | Neighborhood

Frank C. Lee, Kimberly Driggins,  Kwame Owusu-Kesse, Maurice Cox, Seitu Jones

Interlude 1

12:30 - 2:00 pm: Lunch | Food Justice, Race & Design

Cassandria Campbell, Euneika Rogers-Sipp, Fred Opie, Seitu Jones 

Meal curated by Bryant Terry & Didi Emmons

2:00 - 3:00 pm: Session 3 | City

Justin Garrett Moore, Liz Ogbu, Sherri Franklin, Sara    Zewde

Interlude 2

3:30 - 4:30 pm: Panel Discussion | Regional

Brent Leggs, Craig L. Wilkins,  Euneika Rogers-Sipp

Interlude 3

5:00 - 6:00 pm: Keynote | Black in Design

Phil Freelon in conversation with Darhil Crooks

Harvard’s first Black in Design Conference, October 9 - 10, 2015

Please click here to Speakers Gallery

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