Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein

Renzo Piano proposes a new elegant-cylindirical skyscraper for London

United Kingdom Architecture News - Oct 23, 2015 - 09:39   8069 views

Renzo Piano proposes a new elegant-cylindirical skyscraper for London

all images courtesy of Renzo Piano Building Workshop 

Renzo Piano has revealed a new design of skyscraper for Londoners after his mark to London with the Shard. This 224 meter-long tower will be a new iconic element in 31 london street. This elegant-skinny tower contains 200 luxury homes, a relatively modest 14,000 sqm of office space, and an even more modest 4,645 sqm of retail, restaurant, and café spaces and an open-air roof garden will top the tower and offer choice views of the city. The project is proposed as part of paddington’s redevelopment, which will make Piano's tower one the tallest towers in the city as well as only the Shard, One Canada Square, Heron Tower, and the Cheesegrater.

Renzo Piano proposes a new elegant-cylindirical skyscraper for London

view to the public plaza, creating a dynamic space

Developed by Sellar Property Group, this development will create a significant public space that offers to improve connectivity in the area, and a new and enlarged Bakerloo line ticket hall will also be constructed. The development company has unveiled proposals for 31 london street- which was the former royal mail sorting office located adjacent to paddington railway station. The project is due to be completed in 2018 and will operate at Paddington Station. 

Renzo Piano proposes a new elegant-cylindirical skyscraper for London

view from the ground floor that includes various retail spaces

As related to the project, "the current public realm in Paddington is poor, with congestion in and around the entrance to the Bakerloo line leading to frequent closures," says Renzo Piano. "This scheme looks to remedy those issues, while creating a wonderful sense of place which Paddington greatly needs."

Renzo Piano proposes a new elegant-cylindirical skyscraper for London

close view to the cyclindirical tower

Sellar Property Group is also working in partnership with Great Western Developments, a subsidiary of Singapore's Hotel Properties Limited. Planning permission is expected to be submitted before the close of the year and construction is slated to begin in 2017 and be completed in 2020.

Renzo Piano proposes a new elegant-cylindirical skyscraper for London

The tower will boast 200 luxury homes and a relatively modest 14,000 sqm of office space

Renzo Piano proposes a new elegant-cylindirical skyscraper for London

it seems that from early renders is always tricky, but the tower looks more likely to complement, rather than dominate, its surroundings

Renzo Piano proposes a new elegant-cylindirical skyscraper for London

An open-air roof garden will be on top of the tower and offer choice views of the city

Renzo Piano proposes a new elegant-cylindirical skyscraper for London

initial sketch of Renzo Piano

Renzo Piano proposes a new elegant-cylindirical skyscraper for London

initial sketch of Piano covers the whole environment 

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