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Log 35 now available!
United States Architecture News - Oct 23, 2015 - 10:52 4154 views
Log 35 offers cutting-edge architectural thought, both historical and speculative, for our hyperconnected world. The 21 contributors to this Fall 2015 issue offer new thinking from across and beyond the discipline of architecture, from investigations of architecture’s encounters with politics, economics, and art to focused investigations of individual architects and studios, including Sou Fujimoto, Dogma, and Takefumi Aida.
Log 35 also includes a 32-page excerpt from Benjamin H. Bratton’s forthcoming book The Stack, which explores the consequences and possibilities of planetary-scale computation and the new geopolitical architecture it represents, plus a review of the book by Jeffrey Kipnis.
In this issue: Simon Battisti prods a dormant Tirana; Benjamin H. Bratton lends a sheaf from his Stack; Anthony Burke investigates carnal condos; Tom Daniell unboxes Sou Fujimoto; Joe Day whips the veil off The Broad; Lisa Hsieh unmasks Takefumi Aida; Jeffrey Kipnis travels without moving; Francesco Marullo fulfills orders; Michael Meredith goes to bat for the body of work; Arduino Cantàfora remembers a friend; Christopher Pierce slides into disappointment; Paulette Singley displays a head for figures; Christophe Van Gerreway squares Dogma’s accounts.
Plus: Observations from Alice Bucknell, Ian Caine, Luca Farinelli, and Nicolas Kemper.
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