Submitted by jula-kim sieber

TU Darmstadt - educational studio blog

Architecture News - Mar 05, 2010 - 17:00   10804 views

###a new brand for the old town (damascus, syria)###
In the winter term 08/09 we focused on the old city of Damascus, which is part of the UNESCO world heritage since 1979. Since the 90s investments have led to a Walt Disneyfor tourists. The students now had to propose an urban design whichprevents the old city from becoming a dead museum and makes it a vivid districtof the city. In terms of urbanism they had to combine housing with theactual artistic and cultural movement in Damascus. Inspired by Shadi Ghadirian series ‚like every day‘ we named it ‚a new brand for the old town‘.The results are presented in form of PECHA KUCHA videos. The research is downloadable in three PDF ebooks. ###an urban design project in the old city of Damascus (winter term 08/09) by Jula-Kim Sieber at PAR, TU Darmstadt, Germany###