Submitted by jula-kim sieber

PoolPlay - a summer academy for musicians, architects and actors

Architecture News - Jun 10, 2011 - 14:53   6547 views

The summer academy PoolPlay by ar2com aims to bring together the professions of the actor, the musician and the architect to design a space.
An international group of creatives lead by 3 tutors will be involved into an intensive 2 weeks working process. Challenged by space, time, languages, locality and the other participants their intuition and their creativity will design and will ground to play a performance.
The summer academy PoolPlay takes place once a year with changing tutors and participants – for the first time in september 2011.

What does PoolPlay offer you as a participant?
2 weeks with musicians, archtects and actresses in south tyrole whereyou ll be lead by 3 tutors in small groups to design a finalperformance. PoolPlay bites your ideas, chews on them until you mutateinto motivated poolplayers. (you dont know what that means? - yet …subscribe to the course to get an idea of the thrive.) The enrichedpool of ideas is for take-away.
Away from succeeding lectures towards a pool of freely runningprocesses we will undergo an intuitive synchronisation to design anauthenticly (!) collective product – within the 2 weeks.
Unconciously your conciousness will learn a language with a new grammar! This is sustainable learning as we do understand it.

What does PoolPlay offer you as a human being?
The more and more by industry financed universities and the tightly organised Bachelor/master/system giving no time for critical reflection do not lead to a human future. The focus on efficiency, fabrication of engineers (these nerds – you know dude!) are pushing the humanistic faculties aside. How will our society of tomorrow look like by than?
We have no clue neither, but we just do not like the idea of it and that is why we are getting involved with PoolPlay. PoolPlay is an experiment. It is supposed to give an impuls into the direction we regard as important: scope for innovation, collaboration, fun, spontaneous responding, emotional exchange, intellectual rubbing, intensive body work, creative materialisation of ideas and concepts, intello wish-wash – a useless product. (oh – really? Arent we pooling? Arent we pooling good times?)