Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein

Conference:New Urban Routines

Turkey Architecture News - Jul 01, 2014 - 14:51   4279 views

Conference:New Urban Routines

03 July 14 – 03 July 14





The world of urban everyday is complex and under researched. Mundane routines, rituals, habits and beliefs form an amazing fog of the ordinary, which seems not be worthy of attention, next to the grand events and battles of history. Despite monumental efforts of such twentieth century thinkers as Henri Lefebvre, Michel de Certeau or, for instance, Georges Perec, we still do not quite know how to monitor, reveal, and interpret the micro processes of the everyday life, in our times of fast change and ubiquitous innovation. Small and subtle mutations in the very texture of the quotidian often remain unnoticed, while, in fact, they could be the first manifestations of the future tectonic shifts.

Strelka Conference brings together those researchers who explore and analyse multiple routines of contemporary cities and those designers - in the widest possible sense of the world – who try to format or reinvent the everyday. Historians, sociologists, urban anthropologists, curators, urbanists, and architects will join the discussion about how our ordinary life evolves under pressure of rapid modernisation and politico-economical fluctuations and how cities change along.

The talks of the first conference day will focus on ideal, artificial routines – from the Burning man project in the US to urban kibbutzim in Jerusalem, from the life/space organisation of the Russian architectural avant-guard to the ideal "future conditions" of private houses proposed by architects in the 1960s – and, also, on the very new routines and rituals that emerged in the Russian cities in the last few decades.

Sociologist Boris Dubin, critic Grigory Revsin, theatre director Dmitry Volkostrelov and other speakers will discuss the precarious nature of everyday life in Russia.

SI's evening guest Sessil Tolaas, an artist and a smell researcher from Norway, will talk with the conference curator Anastassia Smirnova about the 'smell-scape' of contemporary city and will demonstrate her recent olfactory creations. 



12.00 – 12.15 Welcoming remarks by Anastassia Smirnova, Strelka Institute, SVESMI Bureau

Part I. Values & Beliefs of the Everyday

12.30 – 13.45 Keynote Address. Grigory Revzin, Strelka KB

Desiphering Moscow Everyday

14.00 – 16.00 Ideal Routines. Short Presentations. Moderator: Brendan McGetrick, Strelka Institute

The Burning Man: A City and an Experience. Meghan Rutigliano, Burning Man Festival

Kibbutzim: Future of the Past. Yuval Yasky, Architecture Department at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design

Network interiors, the future and the case of Montreal. Mark Pimlott, TU DElft

Panel discussion Ideal Routines. Moderator: Brendan McGetrick, Strelka Institute

Participants: Kirill Asse (Bureau Brodsky), Mark Pimlott, Meghan Rutigliano, Dean Simpson, Yuval Yassky

Part II. Towards the New Routines & Rituals

17.00-18.15 Big City Between Festive and Routine. Keynote Address. Boris Dubin, sociologist, researcher

18.30-19.30 Panel Discussion New Urban Rituals

Moderator: Victor Vakhstein, sociologist, Academy of National Economy and Public Administration



Dmitriy Volkostrelov, Theatre Director

Andrey Korbut, Higher School of Economics

Mikhail Aleekseevsky, Strelka KB

20.00 – 21.00

Smell is Information. Public Interview. Sissel Tolaas, researcher, professional “in-betweneer”, smell specialist in conversation with Anastassia Smirnova, Strelka Institute

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