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Moesgaard Museum Nonimated For The In-Situ Award

United Kingdom Architecture News - May 26, 2014 - 13:31   2474 views

Moesgaard Museum Nonimated For The In-Situ Award

The museum is one of three nominated buildings for the annual In-Situ Award that is awarded by Dansk Beton.

The award is given to a person or a company that has created a unique project in in-situ concrete and further has challenged the formability and potential of the material.

The jury states the following reason for selecting Moesgaard Museum to be nominated: “It is a beautiful example of how in-situ concrete can be used in interaction with concrete panels”.

The new museum is not just the biggest newly built cultural history museum of Northern Europe. It will also be the setting for many different activities – picnics, concerts, talks and traditional Midsummer’s bonfires in the summer and the city’s best toboggan ride in the winter.

The winner of this year's In-Situ Award will be announced on June 11th 2014. The new Moesgaard Museum will open in October 2014.

> via Henning Larsen Architects