The ISARCH Awards are international awards targeting students of architecture. The aim is to provide a platform for debate surrounding the architecture solutions students contribute within the framework of their university studies. A further objective of the ISARCH Awards is to encourage young people to join the debate on architecture, contributing their unique vision and opinions.
Professor Sir Peter Cook - Patrick Schumacher, Partner in Zaha Hadid - Odile Decq, Chairman + Founder in Studio Odille Decq - Tomislav Dushanov, Associate in Herzog & De Meuron - Fuensanta Nieto, Chairman + Founder in Nieto Sobejano - Diego Lopez Arahuete, Project Director in Kengo Kuma- Enric Ruiz Geli, Chairman + Founder in Cloud 9 - Gavin Robotham, Cook Robotham Architectural Bureau - Benedetta Tagliabue, Chairman + Founder in Miralles-Tagliabue EMBT.