Submitted by Marco Casagrande

Urban Acupuncture

Architecture News - Jun 17, 2009 - 08:55   10059 views


Urban Acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory of Finnish architect, Professor Marco Casagrande which combines urban design with traditional Chinese medical theory of acupuncture. Casagrande views cities as complex energy organisms in which different overlapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens as well as the development of the city. By mixing environmentalism and urban design Casagrande is developing methods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustainable urban development towards the so-called 3rd Generation City (post industrial city). Casagrande has developed the theory in the Tamkang University of Taiwan. For the psychology topic, see Environmental psychology. ... Marco Casagrande (born May 7, 1971 in Turku, Finland) is a Finnish architect, writer and professor of architecture. ... Acupuncture chart from Hua Shou (fl. ... Urban design concerns the arrangement, appearance and functionality of towns and cities. ... Tamkang University, Tamshui Campus Lights, Tamshui Campus, June 2006 Tamkang University (Traditional Chinese:淡江大學) is a private Taiwanese university located in Danshuei township, Taipei County. ...