Submitted by Jonathan Budd
Sustainability Is a Key Driver of Innovation
Architecture News - Sep 17, 2009 - 17:29 10301 views
Famed strategy and management scholar C.K. Prahalad, Ram Nidumolu, and M.R. Rangaswami wrote an article in the most recent Harvard Business Reviewarguing that sustainability is a key driver of innovation that yieldsextra rewards instead of costs. The authors contend that there is “noalternative to sustainable development.” Futhermore, the popularconception that investing in becoming more environmentally-friendlywill erode a firm’s competitiveness is wrong. “By treatingsustainability as a goal today, early movers will develop competenciesthat rivals will be hard-pressed to match. That competitive advantagewill stand them in good stead, because sustainability will always be anintegral part of development.”