Submitted by Jonathan Budd
Architecture News - Feb 25, 2009 - 16:18 6431 views
The 6th Modern Interiors Research Centre Conference, Kingston University Thursday 14th and Friday 15th May 2009The annual conference of the Modern Interiors Research Centre has established itself as a leading forum for international interdisciplinary debate on the history and theory of the modern interior. In 2009 the Conference will bring together art, architectural and design historians, practitioners and curators, to examine and debate the theme of the interior as a marker of history. For further information on the conference please see: and for booking online see: conference convenors welcome posters that address the specific themes of the conference and/or the themes that form a focus for the Modern Interiors Research Centre’s work, which include: - identity and the design of the modern interior- modernity, modernism and the interior- domesticity and anti-domesticity in the modern interior- professional and amateur design practices- the relationship between interior design and other areas of design practice- the tensions between interior decoration and interior design- representations of the modern interior- the reconstructed modern interiorAll submitted posters will be displayed and exhibitors who attend the conference will have the opportunity to discuss their work with other delegates. Posters should provide a quick, visual and engaging way of communicating research work and promoting informal discussion. They should contain a mix of images and text with an ideal layout of about 20% text, 40% graphics and 40% blank space. People must be able to see the poster from about a metre away so it helps to use a dark 28-point font for body text. We recommend printing on A1 size matt-coated paper, 170 gms. Please remember to include contact details on the poster itself {name, institution, email address}.Posters should be submitted to the conference organisers at ‘Living in ThePast: Histories, Heritage and The Interior’, The Modern Interiors Research Centre, Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture, Kingston University, KT1 2QJ. The deadline for receipt of posters by post is Monday 11th May 2009.