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EAHN Online Thematic Conference: "Architecture and Endurance", Turkey

Turkey Architecture News - Sep 30, 2021 - 16:40   3037 views

EAHN Online Thematic Conference:

The EAHN Online Thematic Conference "Architecture and Endurance" organized by Middle East Technical University, Department of Architecture will be held between 30 September and 2 October 2021.

The conference will be open to the public without a fee but with registration. 

For further information please visit the conference's website.


In recent years, there is a tendency in architectural historiography to go deep into the specific histories of single buildings and sites; to produce biographies of buildings and sites in longue durée, often bridging successive cultural contexts that might have been conventionally perceived as unrelated. This is in line with recent scholarship on eastern Mediterranean and South West Asia, as one example, where instead of sharp breaks and clean starts, the continuities, borrowings and adaptations between Greco-Roman, Byzantine and Islamic cultures are traced which productively shed light on the latter. Increasingly, the entanglements of successive polities and cultures and not only synchronically but also diachronically intertwined nature of their histories is revealed. 

In this conference, we would like to critically explore “endurance” as an umbrella concept and analytical category vis-à-vis architecture. We are interested in particular historical case studies of “endurance” from any historical, geographical and cultural contexts. Cases that blur the boundaries between what has been conventionally defined as “Europe,” and “European” identities with their “others” are especially welcome. 

Detailed program of the conference can be found on this page, plus you can see on this page

You can download the brochure

You can download the book of abstracts.

Top image courtesy of METU.

> via METU