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24H Announces winners for "Knowledge" Competition

Portugal Architecture News - Dec 24, 2018 - 03:21   15306 views

24H Announces winners for

24H, a competition branch of ideasforward, has announced winners for its themed-based international competition, titled "Knowledge" in its 27th edition. 

The competition has selected 3 Winners and 7 Honorable Mentions. The winners were selected from Macedonia, France and Singapore, as well as Germany, Ukraine, China, Indonesia, Spain and US.

The competition asked to participants to design an Emergency School that can be easily assembled in different scenarios. The Emergency School should have been used by NGO´s in their missions in the different countries where they operate. It should have been used by military personnel, doctors, teachers, etc. in different contexts such as workshops, training sessions, presentations, while preparing their missions. 

The program included 2 classrooms for 25 people each that can be transformed into a room for 50 people, 1 back office room, 1 library, study/computers room (internet to connect to the world), toilets and other ares that you consider. 

The jury panel composed of Alvaro Bonfiglio, Miguel Marcelino, Esbjörn Kjell, Juliana Braga and Pedro Nitsche. "Interesting format, on a single sheet, with a very relevant theme of universal education, urgency and scarcity," said Pedro Nitsche for the wining proposals. 

"There where many similar solutions and ways to go about the scope. Some of the more realistic proposals are not bad but not very exiting either. And then there is the proposals going for more or less sci-fi solutions that are not really realistic, seem expensive and less adaptable. I prefer the ones going in to the concept of school as something more than a shelter for education. For me the school represents much more and so I've looked for that in the proposal. The simple fact that programming and planning of schools can have huge social impact. The two top scores are for me standouts and either one should win," said Esbjörn Kjell. 

See the full winning proposals with jury comments below:

24H Announces winners for

1st prize: Valbona Fejza,Adelina Fejza, Sanja Avramoska, Brankica Dogazansk - Skopje, Macedonia

"While the 6-vehicle convoy may seem unfeasible in most emergency areas, this combination of pull-up accordion spaces and rigid service core modules is well developed," said Alvaro Bonfiglio.                                                                                                        

"Very intelligent system of combining a container and a expanding pavilion that seems to fulfill very well the need of being easy to disassemble and move to other locations. Different possibilities of configuration is a plus," said Miguel Marcelino.

24H Announces winners for

2nd prize: Brice Franquesa, Julien Marie, Victor Didier - Annecy, France

"Interesting concept design. Might not be the most realistic but yet innovative. The use of the baloons, that serves as transportation device, as shelter is clever. The proposal is also a political statement aiming to making the idea of a wall something good. Really nice presentation and idea," said Esbjörn Kjell.

"This air-lifted emergency hub —a thick wall of service spaces— conveys a rather solid and simple idea. It is well developed and proficiently presented," said Alvaro Bonfiglio.    

"Intelligent solution of hydro-sanitary needs and lightness and flexibility for the spaces of the classroom and other spaces of collective use," said Pedro Nitsche.

"The project presents an intelligent solution, simple and at the same time, surprising as a response to the competition subject. From the design of an equipment - a single wall - that contains the necessary infrastructure for the school to happen, it presents a smart constrictive solution; at the same time, it is a poetic and inventive answer that allows the school to move across barriers and configuring the territories where it lands," said Juliana Braga.

24H Announces winners for

3rd prize: Ching Yan Lam - Singapore

"While not the most original idea the presentation, design and concept is strong. It is also a very realistic design which focuses on not only learning, but also the need for clean water. The concept of the school as a place not only for learning is important. The scool is an important arena for the community. Or as the proposal put it - This school does not only serves as a school for education, but also a place where people are spiritually supported and encouraged, so as to hold onto their hopes," said Esbjörn Kjell.

"This well thought fog-harvesting proposal is the only one that explicitly uses architecture to tackles issues of psychological stress in emergency areas," said Alvaro Bonfiglio.

"Strong concept, interesting structural+spatial structure with a good ensemble/disassemble system. It has a most-welcome feature of clean water production that fits quite well within the overall architecture," said Miguel Marcelino.

24H Announces winners for

Honorable Mention: Lukas Frenzel, JuliusPuttkammer, Laurenz Härtl - Aachen, Germany

24H Announces winners for

Honorable Mention: Mia-Martina Hren, Tomislav Konjevod - Cologne, Germany

24H Announces winners for

Honorable Mention: Kolesnikov Alexander, Zheleznov Anton, Seleshok Ivan, Lomakina Ruslana - Kharkiv, Ukraine

24H Announces winners for

Honorable Mention: 文龙李, 井岩史,  进贵彭, 超 季, Baotou city, China

24H Announces winners for

Honorable Mention: Reza Fadillah - Jakarta, Indonesia

24H Announces winners for

Honorable Mention: Pablo Cuesta, Carlos Martinez, Gil Ferreriro - Valladolid, Spain

24H Announces winners for

Honorable Mention: Benjamin Anderson-Nelson, Aiym Zhumasheva - Seattle, United States

World Architecture Community is Media Partner for 24H competitions and you can register to 24H's next competition "Everest". Regular registration period ends up on January 31st, 2019. 

24H competition, founded and led by Hugo Merino Ferraz, who is also Country Reporter of World Architecture Community for Portugal.

All images courtesy of ideas forward

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