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Iconic Houses Conference and House Tours from 22 to 26 May 2023

Czech Republic Architecture News - Feb 17, 2023 - 17:13   1445 views

Iconic Houses Conference and House Tours from 22 to 26 May 2023

The 7th International Iconic Houses Conference in Prague, May 22-26, 2023. 

All who share a passion for 20th century residential masterpieces are invited to take part in the conference's lectures, receptions and house tours!

In the Czech Republic, the Iconic Houses Network has no fewer than eleven wonderful modern member house museums. Immerse yourself in two keynotes, 16 short presentations and a rich program of 16 guided tours of residential masterpieces and hidden gems that are ready to welcome you.

22-26 May: Prague, Pilsen & Brno (open to all).
27-30 May: Post-Conference Field Trip Vienna & Ljubljana, open to Iconic Houses members and donors only.

Taken together, these talks and house tours offer a wonderful insight into the 20th-century development of the Czech house and the evolution from traditional vernacular architecture to the modernism of the International Style.

There is Adolf Loos' Villa Müller in Prague, who was an important European pioneer of modern architecture and five interiors in Pilsen, also designed by Loos. And Villa Tugendhat in Brno, the masterpiece designed by celebrated German-American architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe is inscribed by Unesco on the World Heritage List since 2001. These unique homes will be the focus of the lectures and conference house tours.

Register on this link

View the full conference program on the conference website.

Key dates

15 January 2023: Early bird registration ends
16 January 2023: Registration rates increase
15 May 2023: Last day to register
16 May 2023: Online registration closes

Conference details

Conference Title: Icons of Czech Avantgarde: Authenticity & Style Diversity
Conference subtitle: 7th International Iconic Houses Conference
Dates: 22 – 26 May 2023
Location: National Library of Technology in Prague.
Tours will be held offsite.

Iconic Houses Website with photos of all house museums included in the tour program. 

Conference Co-Chairs:
Natascha Drabbe, Founding Director Iconic Houses Foudation and Director of the Van Schijndel House Utrecht, The Netherlands
Maria Szadkowska, Curator Villa Müller, Prague, Czech Republic  
Iveta Černá, Director Villa Tugendhat, Brno, Czech Republic    

Iconic Houses is the international network connecting circa 180 architecturally significant houses and artists’ homes and studios from the 20th century that are open to the public as house museum. The platform also focuses on advocacy, conservation, management, and cooperation.

More information, visit Iconic Houses' website.

Top image courtesy of Iconic Houses.

> via Iconic Houses

architecture event