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5 days left to enter WA Awards 10+5+X 41st Cycle

United Kingdom Architecture News - Jul 01, 2022 - 09:38   1231 views

5 days left to enter WA Awards 10+5+X 41st Cycle

There are just five days to submit your entries to WA Awards 10+5+X 41st Cycle. 

WA Awards, the most democratic web-based architecture awards in the world, is accepting entries in architecture, interior design and student categories from all over the world. 

Hurry up! WA Awards 10+5+X 41st Cycle will close on Friday, 8 July, 2022 (23:59 GMT +0).

To help your entry, we have prepared the five key questions and answers before submitting your works:

1. How will I enter to WA Awards 10+5+X?

To enter WA Awards 41st Cycle, create an account here as Architect, Interior Designer or Student. It's free already. After sign up, you can upload your project on My Projects section of the menu. If you're a WAC member already, log into your account from here

2. What are the categories at WA Awards 10+5+X?

There are limited number of categories at WA Awards. You can submit your projects in Architecture, Interior Design and Student categories. 

For Architecture, you can submit your works in Designed, Realised, and Student sub-categories. For Interior Design, you can submit your works in Realised and Student sub-categories. Read more on WA Awards page

3. What are the submission materials?

WA Awards has a simple submission form. You should prepare your visuals and drawings in which they ideally should be in landscape format. Please try to avoid portrait images for better results. Images can be max. 5Mb and min witdh 800px per image in JPG, JPEG and PNG formats.

Associate Members are allowed to upload up to 10 images, while Professional and Academic member may upload up to 20 images per project. Prepare your project text (minimum 1500 characters with spaces), project facts and technical data. You can not upload videos in the submission form. Read on more our How To Participate page. 

4. What are the evaluation criteria?

WA Awards is looking for authentic projects that reflect Novelty, Originality and Creativity, which are the major criteria. The submitted projects are expected to reflect and inspire a commitment to the art of architecture as well. 

Since World Architecture Community tries to bridge the gap between theory and practice, in project submissions the architect’s explanations in the description sections of their project will be critical for recognition as much as the design itself.

5. What are submission fees per category in the WA Awards 10+5+X? 

WA Awards is one of the award programmes having the most affordable entry fees among other award programmes, while offering a free-of-charge entry for Students. 

WA Awards Designed fee is US $100 per project/per cycle and WA Awards Realised fee is US $200 per cycle/per project. Read more on WA Awards' fees here. You are free to submit multiple entries in the same Cycle. 

5 days left to enter WA Awards 10+5+X 41st Cycle

Do you want to be a member of World Architecture Community and add a new WA Award to your success? Then hurry up and participate to the WA Awards today to make sure you and your project get the recognition you deserve.

To read more details about WA Awards, visit our How To Participate page.

If you have further questions about WA Awards 10+5+X, you can contact the WAC editorial team at [email protected].

Top image: Dining Space At DevaDhare in India by Play Architecture won the WA Award in the 40th Cycle. Image © Bharath Ramamrutham. 

WA Awards