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Call for submissions for 23rd conceptual concept for 2021 Bathroom Design in Tatra National Park
Poland Architecture News - Oct 03, 2021 - 18:53 2993 views
For several years, the KOŁO competition has drawn attention to the problem of the deficit of public toilets in Polish cities. It is a recognizable and highly respected social initiative of Geberit. Every year, the organizers receive over 300 competition entries for the conceptual design of a public toilet.
What distinguishes the KOŁO competition is the pursuit of the winning toilet design, fitting into the city's architecture and fulfilling additional functions, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants. An example of competition implementations is, among others The Beach Pavilion in Warsaw, a toilet in Kazimierz Dolny and a toilet at Rondo Mogilskie in Krakow.
The facility is to be located in the western part of the parcel located in Huciska Glade, in Chochołowska Valley, on the plot registered under no. 7780 and on the plot registered under 2 no 7779 (with access to the internal road), precinct 0402 Witów, in Kościelisko Commune.
The object of the Contest is the conceptual design of the facility with public toilet function, together with the utility room to be used by the Tatra National Park (TPN), made available to tourists in the area of Huciska Glade located in Chochołowska Valley, in the TPN area.
Architect and visionary, author of award-winning projects and founder of KWK Promes, studio esteemed in Poland and abroad – Robert Konieczny, for many years in jury of Bathroom Design KOŁO Conceptual Contest. In short interview, architect explains the educational value of this initiative and why he appreciates being jury member of KOŁO Contest.
He has couple of advice for young architects participating in the Contest, who just take their first steps in architecture path.
We are meeting again on 23rd edition of Bathroom Design 2021 KOŁO Contest, organized by Geberit. Every year, You as a member of jury choose the best project from hundreds of registered projects. What is the level of projects? Is this choice difficult?
I am pleased to be member of jury of KOŁO Contest for many years and I truly appreciate this job though to big responsibility. On the one hand, it is easier to judge than taking a part in competition, but from the other hand – the choice of jury will be announced to the world. This is some kind of information proclaiming about us. That’s why we have to be sure of the quality of proposed solutions and fully convinced that one concept is better than the others.
The level of forwarded projects are differentiated in terms of the level, but I am convicted that participants did the their best working on the project. And that is great, even if they won’t win. We learn from our mistakes, on our losses, that’s why participation in contest is incredibly improving. It is hard to compare the projects from whole editions, because each edition regards to different location. Each year, we judge the projects which authors try to provide the best feedback for the topic of contest. At the beginning, each judge individually selects the best projects. Usually our choices mainly overlaps and the real debate about the winning project had begun. There is emotional, long conversation in fierce ambience. We must make our decision and give verdict which will be accepted by whole jury. I like to be judge, taking under consideration the ideas of young architects and analyzing their work and way of thinking. It broadens your mind and improve. I am waiting for this year’s projects with great passion.
Your work includes projects of public utility buildings, how the toilets does look like there?
It is no secret that toilet is the place when everyone visit. Deceptively, basing on the project of the toilet, we are able to draw a conclusion about the whole building and its architecture. Toilet is a piece of jigsaw, not less important form the other ones. I always pay attention for ergonomics and functionality of that space, simultaneously keeping aesthetical values. Lots of time in career I faced the situations when investor due to cutting the costs, was asking me to point out the least important interior of the building when we could dispense with expensive materials. I have never pointed out toilet, it is very essential interior.
If You had to design the toilet for Tatra National Park – the partner of current edition of Bathroom Design KOŁO Contest, how would it look like? What are you going to search in projects created by contestants?
To create a good project, It is essential to do research, analysis of the place, environment. I was in Tatra Mountains but I didn’t take a look on them from the perspective of the project that’s why I am not able to immediately give a solution. Like in previous editions I will be looking for good and smart ideas and concepts skillfully plotted – noticeable, but regard to specific, natural environment not being on the forefront. The thing is creating something discreet and atemporal, utile and composed in beautiful landscape. That’s why like other judges, I encourage to take backpack, wear comfortable shoes and spend some time in the mountains and then start working on the project. The context should be well understood to provide proper solutions for strict mountain conditions and concept trouble free in preservation and exploiting – the building must fulfill the function for many years. I find this challenge very fascinating, because I love mountains.
Do You believe that these initiatives have real influence on awareness of young architects and whole society about socially engaged architecture? To put this simple, do these activities change the world for better?
Yes of course. Each year lots of people take part – nearly every young architect who apply for work in my studio, has participation in Contest included to résumé. One of winner, Aleksandra Kozłowska works in my office, that is genuine proof for shaping “architectural youth” by this initiative. By choosing interesting partners and location of the projects, media speaks loudly about competition, not only in architectural media but local as well. Local people – future users of public convenience engage into dialogue and educate themselves.
Do You have any advice for contestants?
As I mentioned before – I advice to focus on the place that is main subject, spot on the local context, get familiar with history of that place, also take a look “here and now” and leave global trends. With no doubts it’s good to be aware of what architecture is up to, but not to forget that best projects come from what occurs around us. Plenty of young architects are “overfilled” of knowledge, I often say to them that they forgot what they knew, saw and liked. I strongly encourage to focus on solutions perfectly matched to environment. Only by this way designers are able to create something unique and inspirational for others. Contest should teach us how to create on our own – let’s leave copying and intellectual borrowings – I strongly disadvise this.
Participants may upload their Works at website until 11 October 2021, 23:59.
Works submitted in the Internet Contest and Internet users’ voting will be published between 13 October 2021 (12:00) and 21 October 2021 (23:59).
The Contest closing, the publication of the list of Contest awardees (assessment by the Contest Jury) and the winner of the Internet users’ voting will take place on website, on 15 November 2021 (12:00).
More information can be found at the competition's website.
Regulations of XXIII KOŁO conceptual contest "2021 Bathroom Design" can be found on this page.
Download the competition brief from here.
Top image courtesy of KOŁO competition.
> via KOŁO competition