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WA Awards 10+5+X

Architecture News - May 07, 2018 - 02:19   215446 views

World Architecture Awards 10+5+X

For over 45 Cycles, the World Architecture Community has organized the prestigious and acclaimed World Architecture Community Awards (WA Awards). The WA Awards highlights and recognizes remarkable projects that have the potential to inspire exciting questions about contemporary architectural discourse.

Given the International nature of the World Architecture Community, participants from around the Globe, particularly from regions less covered by general or specialized media, get a chance to share and promote their projects, which would otherwise go unnoticed.

World Architecture Community has always seen architecture as a holistic approach. However, evolving technology and the changing conditions of today's architecture in design oeuvre showed that the interior design profession has gradually increased and become a separate business and design field. For this reason, starting from the 33rd Cycle of WA Awards, the World Architecture Community launched the new Interior Design section

So, we are welcoming you to participate in World Architecture's WA Awards 10+5+X with your Architecture and/or Interior Design (in Realised and Student categories only*) projects. 

*The WA Awards is not accepting Interior Design - Designed projects.

Eligible Members

Only Architects, Architecture Offices, Interior Designers, Interior Design Offices, Architecture and Interior Design Students are eligible to apply to WA Awards 10+5+X.


This competition has 3 distinct categories for Architecture section and 2 distinct categories for Interior Design as listed below, each with 10+5+X winners:

For Architecture:

  • WA Designed Award: Projects that were not built,
  • WA Realised Award: Projects that are actually built (maximum within the last 10 years),
  • WA Student Award: School projects designed by Students/Academics (projects must have been studied in students' undergraduate years or in Master's Degree), only "Designed/Conceptual" projects valid - Student category projects must be presented with Supervisor or Tutor/Instructor's name and surname in the "Project Team" section during the upload. Student category projects which don't comply with these criteria will be removed from the competition, 

For Interior Design:

  • WA Realised Award: Projects that are actually built (maximum within the last 10 years),
  • WA Student Award: School projects designed by Students/Academics (projects must have been studied in students' undergraduate years or in Master's Degree), only "Designed/Conceptual" projects valid - Student category projects must be presented with Supervisor or Tutor/Instructor's name and surname in the "Project Team" section during the upload. Student category projects which don't comply with these criteria will be removed from the competition, 

Realised and Designed categories that are under the Architecture both open for our Basic, Business and Professional members. Plus, the Student category that exclusively reserved to our Academic members (without participation fee), accepts both Architecture and Interior Design projects.

As a participant if you designed a building together with its interior, and if you prefer, you may participate with the same project to both (Architecture and Interior Design - Realised) Awards by paying their attendance fees. While attending the Interior Design section of WA Awards, we kindly ask you to upload only plans, interior photos and descriptions from your project that are relevant to the section.


The WA Awards 10+5+X runs typically for 3-4 cycles per year. This gives more breathing room to our jury, while giving participants more time to finalise their projects. Please consult “How to Participate?” page to learn about the current cycle’s submission deadline.

Selection Process

The WA Awards Jury, composed by a mixture of our Honorary Members and earlier WA Awards Winners, selects the first 10. The next 5 will be awarded based on the Votings of fellow community members of World Architecture. In order to Vote the projects, a WAC member must have at least 1 uploaded project that was uploaded minimum 1 month ago in his/her page and the project should have been opened to the public by being approved by World Architecture Community.

Finally, the "X" will be those projects, which did not make it to the final selection of 10 or 5, but which had that something "special", that made them worthy of selection and acknowledgement as "X" by the WA Jury.

Participation Fees

WAC Professional Members (please consult WAC's Membership Benefits) may participate to the WA Designed Award or WA Realised Award categories, with a single project by cycle, free-of-charge as part of their membership benefits. They may not participate to the WA Student Award.

WAC Academic Members may participate to the WA Student Award category, with a single project by cycle, free-of-charge.

Finally WAC Basic and Business Members may participate to the WA Designed Award or WA Realised Award categories but will be subject to a fee. (The Professional and Academic members may participate with additional projects in a given cycle, subject to a fee as well) Participation to the WA Designed Award will require a fee of US $130 per cycle and per project submission, while the WA Realised Award will be subject to US $240 per cycle and per project submission. They may not participate to the WA Student Award.


Winners of WA Awards 10+5+X are announced approximately 10 days after the final deadline for submission. They will receive a special WA Award Winner Poster and a WA Award Certificate that will be made available to the participants a few weeks after the announcement of the winners.

Your Next Steps

At the top or the bottom of this page, you will see:

"How to Participate" button which will take you to the "How to Participate?" page where you will get more specific and important information about the participating to the WA Awards.

"WA Awards Submissions" button which will take you to the section where you as community members (who have at least 1 uploaded project that was uploaded minimum 1 month ago in his/her page) can Vote current cycle's participating projects and the WA Jury can vote.

"WA Awards Winners" button will guide you to review all the previous cycles winners.

Make sure to participate to this acclaimed competition to showcase your work and get the visibility it needs.