Submitted by Asmaa Kamaly
Alteration of shopkeepers signs among renovations in Downtown Cairo
Egypt Architecture News - Dec 01, 2020 - 09:28 7767 views
A call made by local authorities in Cairo has prompted the shopkeepers to rectify their shop signs to either comply with the city’s standards or eliminate them, according to Egypt Independent.
This is considered a partial plan pertinent to the restoration and preservation of the capital core, according to the Cairo Governor’s official Spokesperson Ibrahim Awad.
Further clarification made by Mr. Awad in statements to Al-Shorouk Egyptian newspaper is that 500 old properties are accommodated in Downtown Cairo entailing artistic masterpieces.
He expounded that the authorities have initially started with the restoration of 300 properties distinguished with the French-influenced architectural style besides the regeneration of Tahrir Square. He underscored that the buildings' unification goal and store font’s style is to preserve the history of khedivial Cairo and invigorate tourism in the area.
The restoration is being carried out as a result of the collaboration between various bodies including the Cairo Governorate, the company that owns the heritage properties in downtown Cairo, the national organization for urban harmony, and the head of the neighborhoods of the Khedivial District, along with some shopkeepers.
The head of the West Cairo neighborhood, Mohamed Agel, mentioned that the national organization for urban harmony organization has an overall plan to retain the heritage of the area after the encroachment done by vendors and shopkeeper on it, accentuating that an alteration in the upcoming period will be perceived particularly on Qasr al-Nil Street, al-Shawarby Street, and the various downtown squares.
Downtown Cairo was established in 1863 by Khedive Ismail Pasha, who aspired it to be turned into the "Paris of the Middle East".
Subsequent to the positive public response to the novel renovations which took part in the Tahrir square, the Egyptian government is to undertake works of renovations in the downtown area between Tahrir and Opera squares, passing through Talaat Harb and Mostafa Kamel squares.
Moreover, a decision has been taken by the government to renovate a number of Cairo streets into pedestrian-only streets and to assign additional streets to be pedestrian traffic in the evenings.
Top image courtesy ElKonafa
> input via Egypt Independent