Submitted by WA Contents

20 days left to enter WA Awards 10+5+X 36th Cycle

United Kingdom Architecture News - Nov 10, 2020 - 09:39   7427 views

20 days left to enter WA Awards 10+5+X 36th Cycle

With 20 days to go until submissions close for WA Awards 10+5+X 36th Cycle, there is still time to send your architecture and interior design projects to the WA Awards 36th Cycle to become globally recognized, there is no time to lose, and start your entry today on this page.

You can send your entries until November 30, 2020 (23:59 GMT). 

WA Awards 10+5+X is accepting entries from architects, architecture offices, interior designers, interior design offices, architecture and interior design students from all around. 

We have highlighted the 15 important points for your participation procedure to the WA Awards 36th Cycle. 

Follow up the 15 important points to participate to the WA Awards 36th Cycle:

1. If you are a WAC member, please check if you are signed in to the World Architecture Community website. If you are not a WAC member yet, register on this page

2. Complete your WAC Page with your profile description and other details as complete as possible. 

3.  Start to upload project(s) to your WAC Page, you will upload your project through the "Add a Project" button.

4. Fill-in the information as completely as possible, to increase your chances of winning a WA Award. All entry materials must be submitted in English. 

5. You must fill the "Project Type" field correctly as it will determine the category in which your project will be submitted to the WA Awards i.e. Designed, Realised and Student. Academic Members can only select "Designed" category to participate to the WA Awards.

6. Start to upload visuals for your project at the bottom of the Upload Your Projects page. 

7. Be sure that you already choose higher resolution photos and larger file sizes for a better visual experience to the WA Awards 10+5+X. 

8. Once your project information is complete and the visuals are uploaded, please make sure to click "Create/Update Your Project" button to save your project.

9. After your successful upload, you will be redirected to the My Projects page. On this page, you will locate the project you want to submit to the WA Awards and click the "Participate to WA Awards" button to submit your project to the WA Awards.

10. For all participants, regardless of their membership or the category in which they submit their project to the WA Awards, once they confirm their submission to the WA Awards, the project can no longer be retracted or edited until the WA Awards Cycle is complete – it will remain locked.

11. Once you click Participate Now, you will be presented with a summary of your submission. Please double check the name of your project as well as the category in which it will be submitted to the WA Awards. Please check the checkbox to confirm you've read and agree to the WA User Agreement.

12. If you are a Professional Member participant, you are allowed to submit one Designed or Realised project by cycle free-of-charge, as part of your membership benefits.

13. If you are an Academic Member participant, you are allowed to submit one Student project (Designed) by cycle free-of-charge, as part of your membership benefits.

14. If you are an Associate Member participant, your participation to the WA Awards is subject to the participation fee. You will have an extra step in the process whereby you will be re-directed to the payment options pop-up where you will complete your invoice information and then will be taken to the secure Credit Card payment page. Once your payment is complete, your payment receipt will drop automatically to your registered email on WAC. 

15. If you wish to participate with more than one project, you will repeat this process. If you are a Professional or Academic Member and wish to submit more than the one project, you may do so, subject to a fee.

20 days left to enter

You can start your submissions by registering to World Architecture Community from here. After registration, you can upload your projects and send them to the WA Awards 36th Cycle!

WA Awards 36th Cycle submission deadline will end on November 30, 2020 (23:59 GMT). 

To read more details about WA Awards, visit our How To Participate page.

If you have further questions, you can contact the WAC editorial team at [email protected].

Top image in the poster: AIDIA STUDIO's The Rub' Al Khali Oculus, the winner of the WA Awards 35th Cycle.