Submitted by Pappal Suneja

Virtual Workshop Series 2.0: ‘Design Thinking & Brainstorming'

India Architecture News - Aug 25, 2020 - 14:45   6079 views

Virtual Workshop Series 2.0: ‘Design Thinking & Brainstorming'

Note: Due to unavoidable circumstances, the dates of the event are shifted by one week. Instead of 4th and 5th September, the Workshop shall take place on 11th and 12th September 2020

In order to spread awareness about the Subject of 'Design thinking and Brainstorming'; a Virtual Workshop is being organized by Pappal Suneja on 11th  & 12th September 2020, Friday & Saturday. Here is the overview brief, schedule, and details for the same.

“If you want to change how someone thinks, give them a tool, the use of which will lead them to think differently” - Fuller, Ehrenfeld 2008, XIV.

Design Thinking: Built on switching through, Logical, user studies based rational approach…. &…

& Beyond: Intuitive, passion-driven and somewhat messy moves and reflections that allow signature creations.

Two-Day Workshop to brainstorm upon the following Stages

- Empathize (Modeling and Visualization) 

- Define (Mental Imagery)

- Ideate (Moves and Reflection in thinking)

- Prototype (Madness, Passion & Messiness)

- Test and Implement (Metaphors, Analogies & Simile)

The Stanford design thinking methodology, Image Credits: What Is Design Thinking, Really?

Materials to be used for the Workshop: A set of random things like hair brush, storage containers, potatoes, beans, paper bags, colored papers, pulses etc. (Participants need to arrange at least 3-4 of them at individual ends)

Motto of Workshop: Reflection of Design Thinking Experience from creating an object and sharing different perspectives with the participants.

Concept Note: No two design problems can have exactly same solution. ‘Every Solution has a problem associated with it’ the focus should shift from ‘Finding and Designing’ the solution to first clearly understanding and defining the problem. There may not be a single solution to a given problem set; there may be a set of solutions and for every set there could be various alternatives to choose from. Now, it is important to note that what the source of solution is (is it coming from users, academicians, bureaucrats or a systematic public participation), what is the nature of problem to which the solution is addressed such as problem of a slum been converted into illegal colonies or problem of pollution and traffic congestion where intensity and impact change with time. Thus, the solution must be flexible enough to accommodate variables in the problems. – Pappal Suneja


11th September 2020, Session 1: Overview and Presentation.

(6:00 pm to 7:00 pm IST/2:30 pm to 3:30 pm CEST)

12th September, Session 2 & 3: Task & Discussions.

(2:30 pm to 4:00 pm IST/11 noon to 12:30 pm CEST)

(4:30 pm to 6:00 pm IST/ 1:00 pm to 2:30 CEST)


All participants shall receive E-Certificates (Participation), and best task performer will receive AJC Publications and Bauhaus Booklets along with the Certificate of Appreciation. The best tasks shall also be published.

Other Details

Participation Fee is 950 INR/ 11 Euros (Individual Participation) and 1500 INR/ 20 Euros (Group Participation, Team of two people)

Total Participants: 30 (Open to All)

Target Audience: Students of Architecture & Design, Academicians, Professionals.

Candidates Attending the Workshop should have a few Blank A4 Sheets along with Coloured Pencils, Markers and at least 3 to 4 random stuff as mentioned above from the Material Pantry.

To enter: fill the Google form and follow the links to register for the Workshop.

Individual Participants, Group Participant, International Participants.

Deadline to Enter/Register: 8th September 2020, 11:59pm, GMT

Head Image: Event poster © Saurav Bavalekar

> via Architectural Journalism & Criticism Organisation