Submitted by Megha Taneja

Call For Entries: 2019 AIA Middle East Design Awards

Lebanon Architecture News - Oct 05, 2019 - 14:47   5629 views

Call For Entries: 2019 AIA Middle East Design Awards

The American Institute of Architects Middle East Chapter will host its Seventh Year End Conference and Design Awards event in Beirut, Lebanon at the American University of Beirut, AUB from November 23rd to November 24th, 2019. Presentations from internationally renowned designers and thinkers will evolve around the conference's theme of "Architecture in Context". Site Tours of selected architectural masterpieces will also be part of our diversified program.

Call For Entries: 2019 AIA Middle East Design Awards

Call For Entries: 2019 AIA Middle East Design Awards

For over more than half a decade, The AIA Middle East Chapter’s annual design awards program recognizes excellence in architecture, interior architecture, urban design and unbuilt projects undertaken by our Chapter’s members. Such recognition not only benefits the architects honored, but also benefits all architects, AIA Middle East strives to optimize the public’s awareness and appreciation for the Awards Program through appropriate public relations efforts.

Call For Entries: 2019 AIA Middle East Design Awards

The AIA Middle East Awards Program is a function solely of AIA Middle East and participation in the program is limited to its current members (Students and Professionals).

For fellow architects in the MENA Region, who like to participate in the conference and design awards can enroll themselves with AIA (American Institute of Architects) under membership categories listed on the website and can further register with the AIA Middle East Chapter Design Awards.

Call For Entries: 2019 AIA Middle East Design Awards


The registrations for entry form and payment will be viable till October 20th, 2019, with the registration fee ranging from $55 for Students and $195 for Professionals. However, the submissions can be submitted till the 24th of October, 2019. The eligibility and submission requirements are divergent for each of the categories, owing to their varied typologies and the genre of the applicants.

The fee for the first submission is waived if the applicants choose to Sign up for 2019 AIA Middle East membership. 

Payment method - All fees are to be paid through AIA Middle East website.

Who can participate? 

  • All good standing Architect and members of the Institute are eligible to submit entries for projects located in the Chapter’s Middle East and North Africa jurisdiction, defined as the following countries: Algeria, Bahrain Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, UAE and Yemen.
  • All good standing Associate members of the Institute are eligible to submit entries for projects located anywhere in the MENA Region as defined above (Note: Associate members include International Associate AIA members; Associate AIA Members and Honorary FAIA members in good standing with the Institute and their local chapters).
  • Projects produced by students, or considered student work, may only be submitted under the student category by the student(s) who worked on the project. The projects must have been done in the final year of the academic curriculum through the Department of Architecture at their given school/college/university. Student must be an AIA or AIAS member.
  • Built work must have been completed since January 1, 2013. Unbuilt projects must have been initiated after January 1, 2013.

The AIA Middle East Chapter reserves the right to determine the eligibility of the submissions

Categories of Submissions

Entries must be submitted in one of the categories listed below.

• Architecture (Built)

Eligible entries may be new construction, renovation or preservation/restoration projects. The project must be built work that reached substantial completion after January 1, 2003. For multi-building projects, the architect submitting the project (or portion thereof) shall offer detailed evidence of authorship of each portion of the project being submitted.

• Architecture (Unbuilt)

Eligible entries may be unbuilt architecture that have not reached substantial completion prior to submission deadline as well as theoretical or conceptual work, including installation, land art, and research. The project cannot have been undertaken for academic credit.

• Interior Architecture

Eligible entries may be architectural interior design projects. Incomplete or ongoing projects may be submitted in this category if the design work is complete and implementation is underway.

• Innovation and Sustainability 

Eligible entries may be a new construction, renovation or preservation/ restoration projects with an exceptional design focus on “Innovation and Sustainability”. Incomplete or ongoing projects may be submitted in this category if the design work is complete and implementation is underway.

• Urban Design & Planning

Eligible entries may be master planning, urban design projects, planning programs, civic improvements, campus plans, environmental programs, or redevelopment projects. The project should not be individual buildings. Incomplete projects or on-going programs may be submitted if the design work is complete and implementation is underway.

• Student Graduation Project

Eligible entries must be projects produced by students, or considered student work, and may only be submitted under the student category by the student (s) who worked on the project. The projects must have been done in the final year of the student’s academic curriculum through the Department of Architecture at their given school/college/university.

Submission process 

  • For each entry, the submittal material should be sufficient for the jury to assess the design intent. Entries must be submitted in the manner specified below. With the exception of the 2019 Awards Entry Form, all materials shall be submitted anonymous. No company names, logo, or other identifying information may appear on any submission material.
  • The submission will be linked to the 2019 Awards Entry Form and fees paid using the contact name and email account.
  • [email protected] is independent of the Awards Jury and AIA Middle East Executive Committee. Any and all questions related to the awards submission are to be directed to this email. Please do not contact the AIA Middle East or any of the chapter leaders directly with questions regarding the awards submission.
  • Submission must be made using the PowerPoint Template which will be available upon submission of the 2019 Awards Entry Form.

-STEP1: Email to [email protected]rg the 2019 Awards Entry Form along with a receipt for proof of payment for each submission.

-STEP2: Awards committee will reply back with the PowerPoint Template

-STEP3. Submit your final entry in PowerPoint and pdf format to [email protected]


Criteria Of Evaluation

  • The jury will award the AIA Middle East Design Awards and AIA Middle East Merit Awards. The jury shall comprise not less than three distinguished architects. All jury decisions will be based solely on the materials submitted. No field trips will be taken. The results of the adjudication will be announced at the AIA Middle East Chapter Awards Ceremony on November 23rd, 2019 as part of the 1-day AIA Middle East Annual Conference being held this year in Beirut.
  • Entries will be judged on how successfully the design addresses individual project program requirements, the successful integration of the solution within its context, and its worthiness for an award in design excellence.
  • Projects will be evaluated on one or more of the following criteria:
  • Design Innovation through proposing new approaches to the development of architectural and / or urban form.
  • Design Quality reflecting the resolution of the program or idea; innovation, thoughtfulness, and technique.
  • Design Resolution of formal, functional and technical requirements.
  • Social Innovation demonstrating a commitment to social progress.
  • Technical Innovation exploiting new technologies and / or architectural applications
  • Environmental Innovation demonstrating a commitment to environmentally sensitive design, sustainability and energy/resources conservation.
  • Innovation in Preservation/ Restoration demonstrating skill, sensitivity, and thoughtfulness in preservation, restoration, or the adaptive re-use of existing buildings.
  • Project authorship will remain confidential throughout the jury deliberations. If authorship is revealed on any photo, plans, slides or narrative, the entry will be disqualified.

To RSVP & for Conference & Design Awards details and sponsorship opportunities, please contact: 

[email protected] and [email protected]

For ALL submission details and requirements, check out their official website.

All  images © AIA Middle East

> via AIA Middle East