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Call for registrations to 2A City – Architecture Movie Awards 2020

Canada Architecture News - Feb 13, 2020 - 15:19   3517 views

Call for registrations to 2A City – Architecture Movie Awards 2020

The 2A City-Architecture Movie Awards were founded by Ahmad Zohadi – CEO and the editor in chief of the 2A Magazine to honor architecture and movies whose built work demonstrates a blend of qualities of talent, idea, vision, as well as commitment. The 2ACAMA provide critics, theorists, and architectural philosophers with a new median for architectural expression as well as the discussion. 

The ultimate motive behind bringing two Arts of Architecture and Cinema together lies in the conviction that the symbiotic association between architecture and film stalks from architecture’s effect on its built environment and its resolute social/cultural influence.

2A City – Architecture Movie Awards – The Vision

It is not easy to imagine cinema and movies taking place in a vacuum. Without the scene to fill every single storyline, we cannot be elated away from our integrity to the world of the movie, we are engrossed in. Architecture is the panorama of films and cinema. Landscapes, houses, and cities comprise of the frames where filmmakers take account of people, lives, thoughts, and feelings. Their relationship, and in some cases, the results of this fusion are surprising - beyond doubt.

Architecture in films and cinema doesn’t just serve as a background to frame a movie. It plays an enormous role in setting the disposition, the story, as well as the unseen shades in the film. Specific environments give rise to certain feelings, as well as meanings. Even though not said through words, the visual spur of space makes us envisage and examine how the people in space work and move, and at times let us imagine who and what they are in the world.

As the international audience and spectators grow, and new genres come into view, the 2A City – Architecture Movie Awards  come to include more than just the film’s viewing. A lot of influential programs, lectures, as well as discussions, are to be organized that may add to the rational impact of the cinema and architecture.

This year the awards will be held at Belvedere 21 in Vienna, Austria on 5th of June, 2020. 

Call for registrations to 2A City – Architecture Movie Awards 2020

Estemeed Jury

At 2ACAMA, the independent panel of adjudicators, the board of judges and experts comprise of more than a few members who are “renowned professionals” in their fields of architecture, business, film production, education, publishing, as well as culture.

Here is the list of 2A City-Architecture Movie Awards' Jury Members

Eva Sangiorgi 

Constanze Ruhm

Golmar Kempinger-Khatibi

Elise Feiersinger

Karl-Heinz Klopf

Sum and Substance

At last, at 2ACAMA, we believe that cinema helps you to rack-out your memory as well as imagination for elapsed and new ideas, leading you to form new characters with some fantastic unheard stories. Film controls space just as architecture persuades film. So, 2ACAMA has been designed to identify movies that have produced dependable and significant contributions to humankind and the built environment utilizing the art of cinema.

The film registration for the 2A City – Architecture Movie Awards 2020 is now open. The registration deadline for the 2ACAMA 2020 is 1st April 2020.

Click here to register.

All images courtesy of 2A Magazine

> via 2A Magazine