Submitted by Pappal Suneja

The Museum of Things, Berlin – A learning Platform to redefine Objects

Germany Architecture News - Mar 25, 2020 - 00:58   11556 views

The Museum of Things, Berlin – A learning Platform to redefine Objects

Here is a visual tour of the Museum der Dinge (Museum of Things), Berlin, located at Oranienstrasse 25, Berlin. The museum primarily displays the collection of the Werkbund archive. Since the 1970s, the archive has collected objects considered as 'things' that are related to the material culture of 20th and 21st Century. This was a period of when mostly the commodities were mass-produced industrially. The Museum today, works as a learning platform for sharing experiences concerned with aesthetic designs and perception. It is a popular space for trainees and students to experiment and analyze things, spaces and processes.

The Museum of Things, Berlin – A learning Platform to redefine Objects

Central part: Led screen showcasing a collection of the historic Werkbund

Archival things displayed of the Deutscher Werkbund

The heart of the museum comprises of the archival 'things' of the Deutscher Werkbund (German Industrial Design Association). It was founded in 1907 as an association that linked artists, political figures and industrialist together. It was one of its kinds, utopian culture movements of the early 1900s that aimed to promote modern functional designs in industrial products, environment and architecture.

Clear demarcation of the two sections at the Museum of things

Currently, the museum examines the relevance of the Werkbund programs in juxtaposition with contemporary commodity culture. The exhibition is divided into two main sections, open storage along with the wall of the hall and central aisles of display cases in which the things are grouped as per diverse themes. The commodities in the central part display the historic Werkbund. It strategically contextualizes the examination of new contemporary product culture. The cases along the wall comprise of material culture collection from the early 20th century to the present. This juxtaposition showcases specific collection and makes a variety of interpretations visible to the visitors.

Material culture collection related to Writing from the 20th century 

Material culture collection related to day-to-day life from 1930-1940

Frankfurt Kitchen at Museum der Dinge

The museum exhibits also include the famous ‘Frankfurt Kitchen’, a classic illustration of modernist interior kitchen design. Designed by Margarete Schutte-Lihotzky in 1926, the kitchen depicts the Modernism era aspirations towards rationalization in the home.

Last Exhibition Hall at Museum der Dinge

The last exhibition hall presents temporary installations that supplements and sheds light on the archival collection and the permanent displays.

All Images © Pappal Suneja