Submitted by Dr Hatice Ozhisar
In Real Life: Architecture Fringe 2019 launched its programme with a lecture by Richard Sennett
United Kingdom Architecture News - May 30, 2019 - 05:18 12096 views
The Future Workplace. Are You Ready?. The workplace design evolution and factors that change the way we work. Three events will be held on Tuesday 11 June, 2019 in Stirling, Thursday 13 June 2019 in Edinburgh and Wednesday 19 June 2019 in Glasgow.
The festival city Scotland has begun to make its independent festival Architecture Fringe a tradition. Being about the extraordinary here and now, "In Real Life" is about the fabric of everyday life, the contradictions it creates, and the opportunities it presents. The Architecture Fringe Festival will be held between June 7-23, 2019 with more than 100 events taking place throughout Scotland.
"In a world where the only constant is ‘rapid-change,’ how can architecture help us understand and navigate the complexities of modern life?," asks the Architecture Fringe.
Livingroom, an installation that serves as a reading space. The installation will be on view between Friday- Sunday 07 - 09 June 2019.
Within this shifting landscape of everyday life, the festival wonders the role of the role of the architecture and examines the real happenings on the ground.
Whilst having real problems surround all around us to be solved, the main concern/question of the festival content is whether an imaginative, generous and inclusive architecture enable realizing these facts - not in a far - off future, but in the spaces we occupy today.
Waste Street Art, artistic installations in the urban environment to promote waste awareness in Glasgow. They will be displayed between Friday-Sunday 07- 23 June 2019.
"As A Critique of Everyday Life, Architecture Fringe reviews that we are sharing spaces in our built environment, whilst the design of these spaces dictates the way it occupies and selects those who get to share."
Irvine New Town: Scotland's Lost Utopia, a walking tour through the central area of Scotland's fifth New Town. It will be held on Saturday 15 June 2019.
"Architects dream of a return to affecting public life, extolling the virtues of civic space, civic buildings and shared infrastructure. But in real life people also learn, work, socialize, date, create and play online. If we are to believe that our lived experiences are increasingly seen from inside our own ‘filter bubbles’ how should we design for shared experiences, or for places that can embrace plurality and diversity? In the era of fake news, are we equally guilty of creating architectural façades?," asks the festival of this year.
A multitude of diverse and often conflicting ‘realities’ are not far from where we are now. However, for fringe festival constitution, architecture- which has become increasingly rarefied- neglects the opportunity to engage and elevate that which is ordinary, and becomes lifestyle and spectacle - visible, but rarely accessible.
Fancy? Creative Electric partnered with Cunningham Heavin Architects to host a series of community events that explore what makes a building socially and physically accessible with a focus on new developments within established communities. They will be held on Sunday, 09 June 2019.
A multitude of diverse and often conflicting ‘realities’ are not far from where we are now. However, for fringe festival constitution, architecture- which has become increasingly rarefied- neglects the opportunity to engage and elevate that which is ordinary, and becomes lifestyle and spectacle - visible, but rarely accessible.
The desire of the independent and contributor-led open platform of Architecture Fringe is enthusiastic: Explore the architecture and how architecture makes a difference to our lives by the new work and projects across the arts.
This year Architecture Fringe propagates “an invitation to speculate on the ‘ordinary’ to explore and expose the conditions and contradictions in architectural culture, experiment with the every-day, challenge the ‘realities’ of our built environment, and re-energize architecture’s role in creating better places and spaces, In Real Life.”
Using Real Spaces- Lego Serious Play Workshop, using the innovative Lego Serious Play method, it will explore how we use real spaces to engage the public. It will be held on Friday 07, June 2019.
As initiated by group of architects, photographers, engineers, landscape architects, visual artists, designers, curators and musicians, the festival acknowledges hearing the voices we currently are missing from architectural discourse.
It is the aim of the festival committee "to support new work and emerging practice in architecture in Scotland and to develop a friendly but critical community of voices to connect, support and challenge each other."
Shieling/ Àirigh: Reclaiming The Commons, explore the shieling (Gaelic: àirigh) as an ecological building typology and central motif for learning and education in context, reconnecting with the land and building community. It will be held on Saturday 08, June 2019.
Facilitated as an open platform – which to encourage a wider conversation about architecture and design in Scotland in a contemporary socio-political context - the Architecture Fringe 2019 has announced their core programme and all self-directed works of the creative industries.
Unofficial Surveys: Us and Our Built Environment, a collaborative workshop where we learn how techniques developed by a 1970s primary school art course can allow us to critique our built environment using our own observations and experiences. The workshop will be held on Saturday, 15 June 2019.
The Architecture Fringe 2019 will kick start off with an Opening Party on the 7th June at "The Lighthouse" in Glasgow. Having multiple number of events, the whole festival will last between 7 and 23 June 2019 in the cities across Scotland.
Late Thursday Glasgow, a social evening with a keynote lecture by Richard Sennett as part of Test Unit 2019 will take place at Civic House within the content of the core programme of the festival. It will be held on Thursday, 13 June 2019.
A daily radio-show and podcast for the Architecture Fringe- 'ArchiFringe on Air Daily,' will podcast 10 episode series of interviews with practitioners across the country and beyond, and from all parts of the Architecture Fringe programme throughout the festival.
“Covering topics such as engagement, spatial politics and education, we explore their projects, ideas and work, in a conversational and (endearingly) haphazard way, Architecture Fringe will run a weekly ‘listeners’ questions’ section on the questions about the world of architecture, public space, politics or more.”
The Future Workplace. Are You Ready?, the workplace design evolution and factors that change the way we work. Three events will be held on Tuesday 11 June, 2019 in Stirling, Thursday 13 June 2019 in Edinburgh and Wednesday 19 June 2019 in Glasgow.
"The Future Workplace" event amazed the change in the way we work in the past 100 years- from skyscrapers and cubicle farms into a ‘Latte-and-Laptop’ driven culture - and asks whether the future is in our hands upon the continuity of the rapid change.
"Will future workplaces be ‘entirely wireless’ and will they be more like our home or a digital AI factory? Will robots take over our jobs without us even noticing? Are we still, in charge or have we already lost control trapped inside the growing ‘dot-com' Bubble’? Might offices just disappear? Will everyone be able to work remotely and still stay productive?".
Being critical for the future workplace, the short film event will debate on these question in three venues in Stirling, Edinburgh and Glasgow.
W!P Work in Progress: live build festival. It will be held on Thursday, 13 June 2019.
For all events and core programme, please look at the Architecture Fringe 2019 official site.
All images © Architecture Fringe 2019
> via Architecture Fringe 2019