Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein

Competition:‘Next Big One’

Turkey Architecture News - Jul 08, 2014 - 01:27   3852 views

Competition:‘Next Big One’

The objective of this single-stage open-ideas competition is to propose an innovative design solution that can mitigate natural disasters while simultaneously providing community permanence; rather than a disaster response or recovery plan.


Innovation For The City

Proposals should create innovative solutions to resolve the conflicting requirements in the design of the multi-hazard risk combination of earthquakes and tsunamis. For example, an elevated floor to accommodate flooding may become a “soft storey,” detrimental in an earthquake. How can a community remain “resilient” by either returning to its original or near-original state, or maintaining its performance after a disaster? The design can be any component of a city comprising a community aspect, and also exemplifies innovative disaster preparedness.

The following are questions to prompt brainstorming and should not limit your ideas:
• How can buildings, infrastructure, and landscapes dissipate seismic movement or wave action?
• How might energy be harnessed from natural disasters?
• How can food production be sustained by adapting to urban surroundings?
• How can the economy be maintained to ensure livelihoods before and after a disaster?

Community Resiliency

Proposals must promote social interaction and cohesion before and after disasters. Community engagement cultivates a sense of belonging among individuals and to their surroudings. Disasters do not only physically destroy homes; more importantly, they also uproot the memories of places people call home.

Multi-Hazard Parameters

Participants must choose multi-hazard risk locations susceptible to both earthquakes and tsunamis, and design for the following worst-case scenario derived from previous earthquake and tsunami events as well as predictions of the “Next Big One [1]:” an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 and a tsunami with a velocity of 700 km/h from the epicentre and maximum wave height of 30.0 m.



Subject of email: “NEXT BIG ONE – [Registration Number]”

(e.g.: “NEXT BIG ONE – 1234”)

File name: Should correspond with the entrants’ registration number.
“[Registration Number]-1.jpg, [Registration Number]-2.jpg”
(e.g.: The team with registration number 1234 should submit files labelled, “1234-1.jpg” and “1234-2.jpg”)

Entries must be anonymous and must not include any identifying logos, insignia, or names. The registration number should be clearly labelled on the top right corner of the submission.
Entries to be in English only.

Submitted to:[email protected]


Option A: 2 Digital Images

Image Dimensions: ARCH D 24” (h) by 36” (w) (2300 px by 3450 px)
Image Format: .jpeg or .pdf (boards may be combined into ONE pdf)
File Size: 5 MB maximum per board

Option B: 1 Digital Image & 1 Video Clip

Digital Image Requirements as per Option A.
Video Format: .mpeg or .mov
File Size: 5 MB maximum
Video Length: 30 seconds maximum



Registration & FAQ Deadline

AUGUST 31, 2014

Submission Deadline
SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

Winners Announced
OCTOBER 31, 2014

(All deadlines end at 11:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time)



Design Professionals Award:CAD $3000

The Bing Thom Emerging Designers Award:CAD $1500

Winners will be notified by email.
Winners and Honorable Mentions will be published on the “NEXT BIG ONE” website “Results” page on October 31, 2014, as well as on social media outlets.

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