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Gehry brings his Bilbao effect to Panama

United Kingdom Architecture News - Sep 25, 2014 - 11:51   2399 views

The Pritzker laureate employs local, colourful tin roofing in quest to put Panama on the global museum map

Gehry brings his Bilbao effect to Panama

The Biomuseo, Panama, by Frank Gehry

Brightly coloured tin roofs are ubiquitous across Panama, and served as inspiration for this, Frank Gehry's first Latin American project. The Biomuseo is his new museum dedicated to biodiversity, which gets its official opening at the start of October. However, locals can already enjoy the building's exterior, on the Pacific shores of the capital, Panama Bay. It positively bursts with colour.

Beneath the angular metal canopies is a semi-exposed atrium, and an outdoor exhibition space. According to the museum, the colour canopies bring to mind a local, vernacular style of colourful metal roofing, as well as "Panama's spectacular neo-tropical habitat," and they're practical too, providing effective shelter during the rainy season....Continue Reading

> via Phaidon